
APC POOL OF WRITERS: Two job announcements, one pool
APC POOL OF WRITERS: Two job announcements, one pool 04 May 2007 APCNews

APCNews and are building a pool of writers to contribute on a freelance basis. We are interested in working with writers from all continents. APC is a virtual network and in general most of our research and interviews are done online. Read the details and send your application before May 15, 2007.

Copyright and 'intellectual property' doesn't help all: study
Copyright and 'intellectual property' doesn't help all: study 03 May 2007 Frederick Noronha

In a world which is part of the ‘digital revolution’ era, restrictive copyright laws still act as a serious barrier to sharing and learning from each other, more so in countries of the global South where three quarters of the population live, says a study.

Did you say cell phones for development? “Yes, technology can do anything, really, but people have to drive it”
Did you say cell phones for development? “Yes, technology can do anything, really, but people have to drive it” 26 April 2007 Katherine Walraven for APCNews

Considering the demographic overlap between those most affected by HIV/AIDS and cell phone users, it only makes sense that a major focus be put on how this low-cost technology can fight this deadly pandemic. APC-member Women’sNet recently engaged in a UNICEF-driven speed assessment of fifteen projects that apply cell phones towards development objectives in Africa, with a particular focus on ...

'Gold in the mud' unleashed through ‘inclusive capitalism’?
'Gold in the mud' unleashed through ‘inclusive capitalism’? 24 April 2007 Katherine Walraven for APCNews

In 1993, Bangladesh was considered a no-go zone by foreign investors. Foreign direct investment in the country totalled USD 3 million that year. Today, it has multiplied to around USD 1 billion, three quarters of which feeds the telecommunications industry. How did foreign investment skyrocket in such a short period of time? The answer lies in the story of the GrameenBank, if we are to believe ...

Radical question: Can alternative media get a leg-up from new technology?
Radical question: Can alternative media get a leg-up from new technology? 24 April 2007 FN for APCNews

On the sidelines of the OURMedia conference held in Sydney, Australia, in mid-April 2007, John D.H. Downing spoke to APCNews and explained where his critique of the media intersects with the possibilities opened up by information and communication technologies.

'All rights reserved’ not the only option for documentary filmmakers
'All rights reserved’ not the only option for documentary filmmakers 24 April 2007 FN for APCNews

Documentary filmmakers take note: there are other ways in which you can choose to distribute your films. Rather than the all-rights-reserved approach of the copyright world, take a look on the creative side.

Disabled but Not disqualified
Disabled but Not disqualified 21 April 2007 APC

ICT4D in SNE – Disabled but Not disqualified Story is about physical disability student The girl who loves the moon. (Noura Arslan ) Noura is one of our physical disability students Noura is much like the early spring buds.

Cambodian mirror... online
Cambodian mirror... online 19 April 2007 APC

The Cambodia Mirror an interesting publication that collates material from the Khmer press, run by Norbert Klein, and now in an online version… Check it out ... on ICT4D ... on ICT4D 19 April 2007 APC has this story titled Nigeria: ICT as a Development Tool which looks at examples from Nigeria, Bangladesh and Ethiopia. It says: “Other examples are India, where the biggest obsession right now is the mobile phone; Mozambique, where ICT is being used to tackle the malaria scourge; Uganda, where [GNU]Linux-based solar power Wifi VOIP stations are being used to bring ICTs to t...

Lessig, Rishab, Castells et al
Lessig, Rishab, Castells et al 19 April 2007 APC

Al Alegre of FMA (Philippines) lent me these books, which made for an interesting and exciting browse. After sharing a link to these, another friend, Michel Bauwens of the went on to point me to this very rich and impressive collection of books on peer production, Free and Open Source Software production and philosophy, P2P management and leadership, political and social chan...

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