
re:publica, or the blogger pilgrimage to Berlin
re:publica, or the blogger pilgrimage to Berlin 12 April 2007 APC

Re:publica is on in Berlin! This blogger conference is a first for Germany and that might help to explain its success. More than 600 people showed up already to discuss what tools to use for blogging, what censorship in Egypt implies and what politics 2.0 means.

Internet in Africa: Development first, governance later
Internet in Africa: Development first, governance later 05 April 2007 AL for APCNews

“In a nutshell, Africa needs to be concerned about developing internet usage first, rather than dwelling on who governs the internet and how,” claimed the African non-governmental organisation CIPESA in a research paper published right before the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), which took place in Athens at the end of 2006. With eye kept on the upcoming IGF II in November, APCNews discussed this underrepresented approach to internet governance with Vincent Bagiire of CIPESA.

Czech ICT group bets on what it calls ‘new media’
Czech ICT group bets on what it calls ‘new media’ 04 April 2007 Tomáš Tetiva

Up until recently, Prague-based Econnect, a civil society association facilitating communication through the internet, broadcasting news clips via its website. Most of the these were simple text articles, some had pictures. Now, Tomáš Tetiva of Econnect says they are changing their approach and going for ‘new media’.

But IP theft is Okay IF.....
But IP theft is Okay IF..... 04 April 2007 APC

Lots of noise about stopping IP theft and piracy… but NOT if it’s BY big US corporates against foreigners..

An ICT literacy portal is in the works in South Africa
An ICT literacy portal is in the works in South Africa 04 April 2007 FN for APCNews

South Africa-based APC member Community Education Computer Society (CECS) is working to build a free knowledge and ICT literacy portal as part of its wider goal to promote "ICT Literacy For All".

“We want to make FOSS producers more influential, customers happier”
“We want to make FOSS producers more influential, customers happier” 02 April 2007 FN for APCNews

APC member in Croatia, ZaMirNET, has joined an information and communication technologies industrial cluster working on free and open source software. Interview with Danijela Babic of ZaMirNET in this part two (of two) on Croatian software policy.

The GRACE research to hold new workshop, launch new website
The GRACE research to hold new workshop, launch new website 02 April 2007 FD for APCNews

The Gender Research in Africa into ICTs for Empowerment (GRACE) is a research project that APCNews has been covering in the past. APC’s women programme in Africa (AAW) also engaged with the project over the last months. But where is it at? Capacity building workshops were held in July 2005 and June 2006, with a third workshop planned for July 2007. Here is a short update on GRACE.

Asia pursues a roadmap of action to strengthen “access to knowledge”
Asia pursues a roadmap of action to strengthen “access to knowledge” 02 April 2007 Al Alegre

"Access to knowledge is both an issue of economic development and an issue of individual participation and human liberty" says an article by Jack M. Balkin. This buzzword makes reference to a world in which information and knowledge are increasingly becoming like products. Knowledge is worth money. Knowledge is worth power. Without much fanfare, a group of twenty-two Asians sat down in Bankok l...

Success stories for blind
Success stories for blind 01 April 2007 APC

Amazing success : Miracles happen when we never expect them. Bassem Yazagi a handsome young man of about 25 years ,a kind and out going type of people . unfortunately, he has been suffering form severe visually impaired case; that was reflected on his spirits and manners

30 March: Stop Cyberbullying Day
30 March: Stop Cyberbullying Day 29 March 2007

Increasingly, harassment and stalking is happening in and through digital communications technology. As we gain access and use stuff like blogs, mobile phones, social networking platforms like Orkut and Friendster, personal information displayed and shared may be used in targeted harassment.

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