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Our routes: women's node - an illustrated journey of women in community networks

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Wed, 10/16/2019 - 09:50

In this beautifully etched illustration we follow the stories of various women who are working in community networks and their journeys with technology, autonomy and self-realisation. 

Feministas cuestionamos el sistema punitivista dentro y fuera de internet

Las olas de denuncia son imparables y no dejan de abrir preguntas: algunas orientadas a la manera en que se organizan los escraches, otras a la legitimidad de internet como espacio de denuncia

Al mundo de la historieta le cuesta incluir cuestiones de género

Si bien se vislumbran algunos cambios, el mundo de la historieta sigue cerrado a las cuestiones de género

Why Haben is a must read/listen

GenderIT.org feminist talk - Thu, 10/10/2019 - 13:17

Technology when used well can change lives, especially those of people with disabilities. In this review of the remarkable book by Haben, titled "Haben: the deafblind woman who conquered Harvard law", the question raised is whether feminists working with technology are doing enough about accessibility.

Why Haben is a must read/listen

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Thu, 10/10/2019 - 13:17

Technology when used well can change lives, especially those of people with disabilities. In this review of the remarkable book by Haben, titled "Haben: the deafblind woman who conquered Harvard law", the question raised is whether feminists working with technology are doing enough about accessibility.

We are Sisters in Islam

GenderIT.org feminist talk - Thu, 10/03/2019 - 09:12

In 2019 the High Court of Malaya (Malaysia) upheld a fatwa ruling that bans the organisation Sisters in Islam for going against Islamic teachings. In particular, this ruling limits their use of social media. Read more to hear about the complexities of activism and speech in Malaysia for feminist groups and individuals.

We are Sisters in Islam

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Thu, 10/03/2019 - 09:12

In 2019 the High Court of Malaya (Malaysia) upheld a fatwa ruling that bans the organisation Sisters in Islam for going against Islamic teachings. In particular, this ruling limits their use of social media. Read more to hear about the complexities of activism and speech in Malaysia for feminist groups and individuals.

Hay un elefante que recorre Silicon Valley

Apuntes sobre los desafíos de la violencia de género online inspirados por el financiamiento de Epstein a la ciencia y la tecnología.


GenderIT.org feminist talk - Fri, 09/27/2019 - 11:44

Are we any better at judging right from wrong? Automation in content moderation

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Mon, 09/23/2019 - 20:11

Censorship has been replaced online by a system of content moderation controlled by companies, and these rely on both automation as well as human moderators employed to sift through content. The choice is not between the alleged neutrality of the impersonal machine and the errors and finiteness of human moderation, as both work in tandem.

Un algoritmo descarnado nos selecciona: ¿nada nos prepara para esto?

Mientras se extiende la industria de la vigilancia, no podemos dejar de considerar qué hacemos por nuestra propia seguridad y la de nuestros contactos, tanto en línea como fuera de ella.

Vamos a hackear internet juntas: 2do FemHackParty LAC

Una nueva FemHack Party convocó el interés de activistas que encuentran en internet un espacio de militancia sin fronteras

Hablemos de libertad de expresión y género en internet

Es relevante analizar la libertad de expresión y sus desafíos desde un enfoque de género en espacios como el LACIGF donde una audiencia multisectorial tiene la posibilidad de abrir espacios para la expresión de todas las voces, sin censuras ni discriminaciones.

Activismo, influencers y nueva visibilidad en línea

Entrevista a Florencia Freijó, ecofeminista con presencia en las redes para generar conciencia y tener inclusive presencia en los medios, marcando agenda por los derechos de las mujeres

Podcasts - El devenir ciberfeminista en América Latina y el Caribe – episodios 11 a 16

ProComuNicando Ciberfeminismo es un podcast que nace con el objetivo de ser un megáfono para las voces y reflexiones de mujeres que, en América y el Caribe, promueven acciones, espacios o iniciativas ciberfeministas, o que relacionan (TIC) tecnologías de información y comunicación con género.

Language Spanish

Ectogenesis, Feminism, and the Metaphysics of Pregnancy

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Thu, 09/12/2019 - 11:57

Advances in biological sciences suggest that in the future it would be possible to give birth to babies outside of the woman's body, and this upsets assumptions that connect reproductive labour to fixed gender roles. What are then the implications for feminist imaginations and futures?

Doing standpoint theory

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Sun, 09/01/2019 - 17:05

How to work with people who repeatedly and rightly question the motivations for our research? This article looks specifically looking at a research project that deals with workers and unions who often need external support and allies to address reccuring crisises, and particularly at what feminist ethical research practices would mean in this context. 

[Edición especial] Dilemas éticos del uso de imágenes personales online

El consentimiento para el uso de nuestros datos personales en internet, incluyendo nuestra imagen personal, no debería ser ese pacto faustiano al que nos sometemos cada día.

[Edición especial] "¿Qué nos vas a dar tú a nosotras?": Reflexiones sobre la metodología feminista y decolonial

La metodología feminista, la verdadera, se opone ferozmente a la extracción de conocimientos, y tiene como objetivo hacer una aportación a las comunidades

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