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The online space making pandemic sex easier (sort of)

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Tue, 05/19/2020 - 17:02

Much as there is the risk of the online space breeding great amounts of anxiety, this can also be a time to form different types of human connection, find out more about innovative ways to get off and take a look at your love lives. Here is how.

#MFI Africa: The e-zine!

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Thu, 05/14/2020 - 20:44

What do we recall about the first time we went online? What was the first thing we searched on the internet that we didn’t want our mothers to know? What information have we been unable to find due to limited content and connectivity,surveillance, censorship,exploitation and unequal representation? How can we use the internet if when trolls target our identities, political values and lived experiences? How do we sustain the growth, leadership and ethically representative visibility of our different movements online?

Language English

Datos, mapas y colonialismo en épocas de pandemia

Estos tiempos de pandemia en 2020 nos han traído un nuevo fenómeno: la producción de datos masivos por mano propia. Y con ella la división entre quienes crean y manejan la información y quienes aportan sus datos, y luego sufren las consecuencias.

Data, maps and colonialism in times of pandemic

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Wed, 05/06/2020 - 03:00

The practice of mapping was successfully enshrined within a month since the first outbreaks of Covid-19 as a means of rapid visualisation, accompanied by the division between those who manage data to create information and those who contribute their data (while suffering the consequences of it). But we could argue that a more just approach to information-based aid would be one in which all people have the autonomy to share or not share their situation – i.e. to contribute or not to data banks.

What you need to know about censorship in China around COVID-19

GenderIT.org feminist talk - Sat, 05/02/2020 - 13:18

The pandemic has amplified our need for a safe and secure internet, but can we have one now without surveillance and censorship. Read here to know what happened at the original epicentre of the COVID-19 virus and what measures of internet censorship were deemed necessary by the Chinese government to bring the pandemic under control.

What you need to know about censorship in China around COVID-19

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Sat, 05/02/2020 - 13:18

The pandemic has amplified our need for a safe and secure internet, but can we have one now without surveillance and censorship. Read here to know what happened at the original epicentre of the COVID-19 virus and what measures of internet censorship were deemed necessary by the Chinese government to bring the pandemic under control.

The story of protests in Bilal Bagh and how it is NOT shutdown by COVID-19

GenderIT.org feminist talk - Sat, 05/02/2020 - 12:51

In India protests against the discriminatory and unilateral law to determine citizenship have been going on since December of 2019. The protests across India against the current authoritarian government were growing in power, in spite of the enormous pressure they came under, the attacks and arrests of leaders and now from the spread of COVID-19 and lockdowns.

The story of protests in Bilal Bagh and how it is NOT shutdown by COVID-19

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Sat, 05/02/2020 - 12:51

In India protests against the discriminatory and unilateral law to determine citizenship have been going on since December of 2019. The protests across India against the current authoritarian government were growing in power, in spite of the enormous pressure they came under, the attacks and arrests of leaders and now from the spread of COVID-19 and lockdowns.

Carta abierta a nuestras amigas y aliadas

El mundo cambió tan repentina, como radicalmente. Pero no se trata del cambio radical que esperábamos las feministas, activistas, pensadoras y organizadoras de campañas.

Language Spanish

An open letter to friends and partners

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Thu, 04/23/2020 - 15:29

The world is suddenly and radically changed. But this is not the radical change that we as feminists, activists, thinkers and campaigners had hoped for.

Language English

Blackening Wikipedia

GenderIT.org feminist talk - Wed, 04/15/2020 - 20:10

Ennegreciendo Wikipedia is a project founded by Ivonne González, who introduces this initiative to create more content in the free encyclopedia about oppressed and marginalized communities, especially African and Afro-descendents women.

Blackening Wikipedia

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Wed, 04/15/2020 - 20:10

Ennegreciendo Wikipedia is a project founded by Ivonne González, who introduces this initiative to create more content in the free encyclopedia about oppressed and marginalized communities, especially African and Afro-descendents women.

Mujeres cuidadoras y desinformación en internet: los aprendizajes en la red también pueden ayudar salvar vidas

La precariedad de las mujeres cuidadoras en tiempos de pandemia, también tiene que ver con la desinformación. ¿Qué herramientas podemos desarrollar en nuestras redes personales para que la información que le llegue a esas mujeres sea la más acertada?

Domestic work in the platform economy: participatory research reflections by Parijtha GP

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Wed, 04/08/2020 - 19:58

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground. Here the author reflects on whether domestic workers are sufficiently aware of their rights and of unions that they could be part of, regardless of whether they use online platforms or find work using more traditional routes.

Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on conducting interviews on sensitive issues

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Wed, 04/08/2020 - 19:56

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece a researcher talks about the experience of doing research with workers, unions and companies and of trying to determine the extent of sexual harassment or caste prejudice in the platform economy around domestic labour

Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on difficulty to set up interviews

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Wed, 04/08/2020 - 19:52

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece, the researcher speaks of the difficulties of setting up interviews with domestic workers, often torn between home and work obligations.

Domestic work in the platform economy: reflections on research and social work

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Wed, 04/08/2020 - 19:50

As part of the Feminist Internet Research Network, we are including a series of short pieces on reflections by researchers on the ground, and in this piece, the writer explores how it is possible but also difficult for her to do social work and awareness building, and shift to doing research.

Digital mediation of reproductive and care work in India: research reflexivity and challenges

Feminist reflections on internet policies - Wed, 04/08/2020 - 19:40

Women who do domestic work are able to now find employers through online platforms, but does this new avenue and promise of the digital economy ensure that their labour rights are upheld? In this short series, we read about four researchers who directly interviewed with workers as part of a project in the Feminist Internet Research Network. Here are the reflections of the researchers on ethics, values, and their own learnings.

Haciendo una internet feminista: construcción del movimiento en la era digital en África

Después del encuentro Making a Feminist Internet in Africa [Haciendo una internet feminista en África] (#MFIAfrica), celebrado en Johannesburgo del 28 al 31 de octubre de 2019, se siguieron desarrollando debates, sueños y conversaciones entre las mujeres que estuvieron allí.

Haciendo una internet feminista en Africa: Por qué se necesitan feministas y feminismos africanos en internet

En este artículo editorial, Sheena Magenya desafía la narrativa dominante sobre África y la tecnología, reclamando más feministas y feminismos africanos en, dentro y alrededor de Internet.

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