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El sitio web de Nexus for ICTs Climate Change and Development (NICCD) ofrece variados materiales sobre cambio climático, TIC y países en desarrollo, ahora también disponibles en español y francés, entre ellos documentos temáticos, guías estratégicas y estudios de caso.

Los materiales recien traducidos son:

  • A Policy Guide on how to incorporate ICTs into climate change policy, and how to incorporate climate change into ICT policy.
  • Four Strategy Briefs written for policy makers, strategic planners and senior researchers, that summarise conceptual and action-based priorities for use of ICTs in relation to climate change adaptation and mitigation in developing countries.
  • Two Background Papers that review the literature in this field, and propose a new framework for understanding ICTs, adaptation and “e-resilience”.

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These materials are the product of the University of Manchester’s “Climate Change, Innovation and ICTs” research project, funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre and managed by the University’s Centre for Development Informatics.

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Areas of work