Luisa Bagope

Local Networks initiative regional gender coordinator for Latin America and the Caribbean (Portal sem Porteiras community network)


Luisa Bagope is a documentary director and project coordinator working with technology within communities. For 10 years she has been registering cultural and political manifestations that aim to reshape the way we approach the environment and collectivity. With support from APC, she has been documenting community network activities in the global South. As part of the Portal sem Porteiras community network, Luisa coordinated the Nodes That Bond project, a feminist collective learning process centred around technology that happened through circular encounters among women. Alongside Marcela Guerra, she has worked developing audio content such as Nodecast, which focuses on weaving local content and basic digital technology education.  In O Segredo da Montanha and Forasteiros, Luisa worked as a scriptwriter, director and editor of the two audio fiction pieces (audio novellas) that were performed by members of the community where they live, developing this work with audio as a technology for community-based communication and authentic cultural creation. Focusing on feminist methods of community-based organisation, she now continues to work for social transformation and in her free time enjoys being out in the open developing sovereignty through practical studies of the natural world.

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