29 September 2020 | News Ali Sibai for SMEX #NoExamShutdown: 4 MENA countries shut down the internet so far “to fight cheating”!
24 September 2020 | News EngageMedia EngageMedia's Pretty Good Podcast: What intermediary liability means for digital rights
21 September 2020 | News APCNews 30th anniversary: Our member Jinbonet shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
14 September 2020 | News 30th anniversary: Our member Patience Luyeye shares her vision for APC in the next 10 years
9 September 2020 | News APCNews 30th anniversary: Our member Digital Empowerment Foundation shares its vision for APC in the next 10 years
31 August 2020 | News Foundation for Media Alternatives What comes next after the Terror Law? FMA convenes civil society reps to talk about the future of free speech
31 August 2020 | News Marta Kopp African internet resilience: What about complementary access models?
20 August 2020 | Publication Dr Nijmeh Ali Israeli impact on Palestinian digital rights during the coronavirus pandemic
14 August 2020 | Publication APC Lebanon: APC calls for internet access restrictions to be lifted and for human rights online and offline be protected
13 August 2020 | Publication Various Collective statement to urge the government of Jammu and Kashmir to restore high speed internet
12 August 2020 | News #IWantALetter: Take action to demand that Egyptian authorities provide information updates on their response to the pandemic in prisons