APC impact 2021

Mobilising collective action for environmental justice and sustainability in 2021
Mobilising collective action for environmental justice and sustainability in 2021 09 November 2022 APCNews

APC’s collective action and activism contribute to environmental justice and preservation of the earth, and mitigate the negative environmental impacts of the internet, digital technologies and the digital economy. Check out our achievements in this area in 2021.

Promoting governance of the internet as a global public good in 2021
Promoting governance of the internet as a global public good in 2021 01 November 2022 APCNews

We want the internet to be recognised and governed as a global public good in an inclusive, transparent, democratic and accountable manner. Check out our achievements in this area in 2021.

Advocating for human rights online and offline in 2021
Advocating for human rights online and offline in 2021 26 October 2022 APCNews

We want people, especially those facing discrimination and oppression, to have greater power and autonomy through digital technologies to exercise their full range of human rights online and offline. Check out our achievements in this area in 2021.

Co-creating a feminist internet in 2021
Co-creating a feminist internet in 2021 19 October 2022 APCNews

We want women and people of diverse sexualities and genders to participate in, shape and co-create the internet and digital technologies that reflect and respond to their lived realities. Check out our achievements in this area in 2021.

Enabling digital inclusion for the most vulnerable in 2021
Enabling digital inclusion for the most vulnerable in 2021 12 October 2022 APCNews

We want people affected by exclusion, discrimination and inequality to be able to meaningfully use and shape the internet and digital technologies to meet their specific needs. Check out our achievements in this area in 2021.

Harnessing the collective power of communities in 2021
Harnessing the collective power of communities in 2021 04 October 2022 APCNews

We want the collective power of communities within and beyond the APC network to be harnessed through existing and new relationships built around transformative actions and our shared visions. Check out our achievements in this area in 2021.

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