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Harambee project: Call for small grants applications JOHANNESBURG, South Africa 26 September 2006 By Harambee

The Harambee project coordinators are announcing a small grants facility to provide a number of sectoral based networks and communities in Africa with funding for the development of greater collaborative capacity.

BETINHO PRIZE SPECIAL: MetaRecycling: “Noisy environments, unstable computers and curious people" - Part II NEW YORK, United States 05 September 2006 By AL for APCNews

The MetaRecycling movement is sustained by solid philosophical pillars. One of the basic concepts consists in treating computers as artisanal products.

APCNews asks, Felipe Fonseca responds
APCNews asks, Felipe Fonseca responds 05 September 2006 By AL for APCNews

We are, with great pride, very close to certain social movements, especially those that fall within the context of tactical media.

When talking about gender and ICT comes down to earth
When talking about gender and ICT comes down to earth 05 September 2006 By AL for APCNews

Influencing gender and information and communication technology policies requires a lot of patience and perseverance. And above all, the conviction that it is possible to affect change. The women’s space from APC member Pangea has took on the arduous task of incorporating the topic into the Catalo...

DRC: Alternatives supports a multilateral initiative for ICT advocacy
DRC: Alternatives supports a multilateral initiative for ICT advocacy 05 September 2006 By Sylvie Niombo for APCNews

Alternatives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is undertaking information and communication technology related activities in collaboration with the Multisectoral ICT Initiative (DMTIC). Since last June, Alternatives has been supporting a feasibility study and advocacy for an internet backbone ...

Me, myself and i... the Summit
Me, myself and i... the Summit 05 September 2006 By Andrew Garton

C2O coordinator Andrew Garton critically reports on the iSummit 2006 that took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil between the 23 and 25 June. The 19-page PDF entitled "Me, myself and i… the Summit" presents, in a slick format, a rare amount of references from the open source and open content move...

BETINHO PRIZE SPECIAL: MetaRecycling - "Noisy environments, unstable computers and curious people"
BETINHO PRIZE SPECIAL: MetaRecycling - "Noisy environments, unstable computers and curious people" 05 September 2006 By AL for APCNews

The Metarecyclers consider that computers are craft artifacts that must be creatively manipulated. They not only have displayed a natural vocation for experimentation, the finalists of APC’s 2005 Betinho Prize also populated recycling centres all over Brazil. APCNews reports on this open, free...

Getting impatient with GAID: Calls for clarity on the plans
Getting impatient with GAID: Calls for clarity on the plans 04 September 2006 By FN for APCNews

Like six blind men trying to understand what an elephant is all about, comprehending the Global Alliance for ICT and Development is still a challenge for most. But is it impatience, or is the GAID slow in taking off?

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