Security and privacy

PRESS RELEASE: Civil society coalition urges the US government to respect and promote the human rights of non-US persons
PRESS RELEASE: Civil society coalition urges the US government to respect and promote the human rights of non-US persons 29 August 2013 AL

APC and other civil society organisations that are part of the Best Bits coalition have submitted a comment to the US Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, to denounce the different treatment that the United States gives to non-U.S. persons, who are excluded from existing protections against surveillance targeting.

More than a hundred global groups make a principled stand against surveillance
More than a hundred global groups make a principled stand against surveillance 31 July 2013 EFF

For some time now there has been a need to update understandings of existing human rights law to reflect modern surveillance technologies and techniques.

Necessary and proportionate: Civil society agrees on principles on surveillance and human rights
Necessary and proportionate: Civil society agrees on principles on surveillance and human rights 31 July 2013 Shawna Finnegan

This week, in collaboration with more than 100 non-governmental and civil society groups from around the world, APC has signed on to support the launch of a set of international principles on communications surveillance and human rights.

Surveillance in the US: Stop discrimination against non-US persons
Surveillance in the US: Stop discrimination against non-US persons 31 July 2013

APC and other civil society organisations are concerned about the different treatment that the United States gives to non-U.S. persons, who are excluded from existing protections against surveillance targeting. Join them and sign the petition.

New WikiLeaks doco begs the question: should the public know state secrets
New WikiLeaks doco begs the question: should the public know state secrets 30 July 2013 Phil Mincher

I would expect most people leaving the cinema after watching the recently-released documentary, We Steal Secrets: The Story of WikiLeaks, would plunge into debate over a raft of flow-on topics, such as is Julian Assange a crusader for civilian empowerment and government/corporate accountability or a cheeky, power-hungry hacker hell bent on anarchy and achieving hero-status.

Jordan, “Silicon Wadi,” censors 304 websites under new media law
Jordan, “Silicon Wadi,” censors 304 websites under new media law 24 July 2013 Nadine Moawad

Jordanians speak up and take action against the government’s attempts to regulate and licence online “news websites”. Internet freedom activists have stressed the law’s restriction on freedom of expression and have called the licencing scheme that the law proposes obsolete and undemocratic.

Time to reveal NSA's spying: Jinbonet calls South Korean government to take action
Time to reveal NSA's spying: Jinbonet calls South Korean government to take action 08 July 2013

On 30 June Edward Snowden’s leaks revealed that the NSA has tapped 38 embassies and missions in Washington, D.C. including the South Korean Embassy. The government of South Korean needs to take action on behalf of its citizens, who are among the victims of this global scandal. Jinbonet has translated into English its call to action on behalf of civil society in South Korea.

We need public debate, not a secret tribunal, on covert British surveillance
We need public debate, not a secret tribunal, on covert British surveillance 08 July 2013 Carly Nyst

Privacy International’s Carly Nyst talks about PI’s legal action against the British government for co-operating with the US’ NSA/Prism programme and the Orwellian Investigatory Powers Tribunal, an opaque layer of the British legal system.

Submission to UN Secretary-General on reprisals and intimidation against human rights defenders
Submission to UN Secretary-General on reprisals and intimidation against human rights defenders 17 June 2013 Shawna Finnegan and Jennifer Radloff

The internet is having a significant impact on the risks faced by human rights defenders, including reprisals. Human rights defenders’ private or anonymous online communication is increasingly subject to state surveillance, while threats and intimidation often manifest in online spaces. This submission to the annual report of the UN Secretary-General considers the role of the internet in...

Civil society letter to US Congress on internet and telecommunications surveillance
Civil society letter to US Congress on internet and telecommunications surveillance 14 June 2013 AL

After revelations of systematic surveillance by the US government, APC and other civil society organizations call the US Congress to take immediate action to dismantle existing, and prevent the creation of future, global internet and telecommunications based surveillance systems. The call can be endorsed online.

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