
Uganda anti homosexuality bill boomeranging back on the web
Uganda anti homosexuality bill boomeranging back on the web 05 December 2012 FD

Do you remember the culture jamming actions against official websites in Uganda last August? Anonymous activists managed to modify content on presidential and governmental websites in a way that showed the government as apologizing to the Ugandan LGBT community for repeated persecution of gays and lesbians. Just a few months later, Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill is there again and it could be passed into law imminently.

Women, mobiles and rural Uganda
Women, mobiles and rural Uganda 22 August 2012

Every six months, WOUGNET produces an informative newsletter on issues around internet, mobile phones and other ICTs and how they are using them to make a difference. This issue explores women and ICTs in rural Uganda, and questions whether mobiles are a luxury or a necessity nowadays.

Digital Security: Drop-in centre of Ugandan sex worker organisation raided
Digital Security: Drop-in centre of Ugandan sex worker organisation raided 11 May 2012 FD

“Sex work may be illegal in Uganda, but providing services for sex workers is clearly not,” reads a statement put out on May 9 by WONETHA, a health and human rights organisation, in reaction to a serious crack-down on its activities by Ugandan municipal police.

Take Back the Tech! fund winner trains women in ICT skills in Uganda
Take Back the Tech! fund winner trains women in ICT skills in Uganda 29 November 2010 Loyce Kyogabirwe

“I used to think that computers are only for those people who are educated and are in big offices in Kampala but today I have realized that I can also use a computer,” said Kintu Solome, who received training in ICT skills at a workshop led by APC partner Isis WICCE in Uganda 15-19 November. Isis-WICCE was awarded a small grant from APC Women’s Networking Support Programme’s (...

Feminist Tech Exchange - Uganda
Feminist Tech Exchange - Uganda 18 November 2010

Using Information and Communication (ICTs) to Combat Violence against Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda Isis-WICCE with support from the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), has organised a training on “Using Information and Communication (ICTs) to Combat Violence against Women Living with HIV/AIDS” from November 15-19,2010 at Lwangosia Archdeaconry Church in Namaingo distri...

A phone call away: Mobile phones help end violence against women in Uganda
A phone call away: Mobile phones help end violence against women in Uganda 04 November 2010 WOUGNET

Women in Uganda’s rural areas will learn about domestic violence against women through the use of different ICT tools to build awareness around the issue, but they will also learn to report and prevent it – and the mobile phone will be playing a big part in their campaigns – from frontline SMS, to around-the-clock hotlines. Other tools being used include web 2.0 and online publis...

MDG3 Take Back the Tech! Fund
MDG3 Take Back the Tech! Fund 13 October 2010

The Take Back the Tech! Fund which is providing small grants of up to USD 5000 USD each to over sixty local, primarily community based organisations to implement projects that use ICTs to end violence against women and building their capacity to do so.

APC and UgaBYTES join forces to evaluate gender and ICTs
APC and UgaBYTES join forces to evaluate gender and ICTs 20 August 2008 Francis Mwathi

On the 6th of August 2008, Dafne Plou, an APC facilitator on the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) with telecentres, visited Uganda on a mission of evaluating how ICTs impact the community within gender lines.

APC's WOUGNET soars high in the use of SMS to share information
APC's WOUGNET soars high in the use of SMS to share information 02 July 2008

WOUGNET has explored the use of SMS in information sharing and carrying out SMS campaigns around different themes. In a test of Mobile Advocacy Tools a campaign on ICTs and poverty reduction, was successfully carried out in April/May 2008 and proves that SMS is a powerful tool of information sharing. WOUGNET members, partners and interested persons discussed questions sent out by the secretaria...

Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA)
Collaboration on International ICT Policy for East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) 04 March 2008

Since its inception in 2004, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) has positioned itself as the leading centre for research and analysis of information aimed at enabling policy makers in east and southern Africa to understand international ICT policy issues. Its overall goals are to develop the capacity of African stakeholders to contribute effective...

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