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Domestic abuse during COVID-19 includes financial and online abuse feminist talk - ven, 07/17/2020 - 14:37

There are increasing rates of domestic violence and abuse during the lockdown for COVID-19 imposed in different countries. This violence includes abuse that relies on online means and includes financial abuse and exploitation, that particularly harm the independence of those who are the targets.

Domestic abuse during COVID-19 includes financial and online abuse

Feminist reflections on internet policies - ven, 07/17/2020 - 14:37

There are increasing rates of domestic violence and abuse during the lockdown for COVID-19 imposed in different countries. This violence includes abuse that relies on online means and includes financial abuse and exploitation, that particularly harm the independence of those who are the targets.

Webcómic: La huella de Internet

Las calles están desiertas. La parálisis global ha reducido el impacto humano. ¡La Naturaleza florece! Pero eso es solo una parte de la historia... En tiempos de pandemia, estamos en internet más que nunca. Primer capítulo del wébcomic creado por Nadège.

Polish protests against abortion ban during covid-19 feminist talk - mer, 07/15/2020 - 14:59

Even as the world reels under the impact of the global pandemic, women in Poland have to protest against draconian and restrictive amendments to the abortion law that would make getting an abortion far more difficult than it already is.

Polish protests against abortion ban during covid-19

Feminist reflections on internet policies - mer, 07/15/2020 - 14:59

Even as the world reels under the impact of the global pandemic, women in Poland have to protest against draconian and restrictive amendments to the abortion law that would make getting an abortion far more difficult than it already is.

Tu Estado te vigila | Intersecciones: un podcast tecnopolítico Ep. 1

Intersecciones es un podcast tecnopolítico de Un espacio sonoro donde se cruzan los efectos de la pandemia en los derechos digitales, desde una perspectiva feminista. En nuestro primer episodio hablamos sobre aplicaciones y de cómo... los Estados nos vigilan.

Machín 2 Machín: Una perspectiva critica feminista y psicosocial sobre las nuevas redes digitales (II)

En la segunda parte de su artículo, Loreto Bravo y Peter Bloom nos alertan sobre los peligros de una romantización de las tecnologías, y desarrollan el enfoque psicosocial y feminista como herramientas para hacer frente a la nueva ola de hiperconectividad que se anuncia con el 5G.

Grassroot Solidarity to Fight the Pandemic From Farmers to Queer Communities

Feminist reflections on internet policies - mer, 07/01/2020 - 11:29

How are the LBTQI+ people and communities facing the difficulties posed by the global pandemic and the lockdown? This article explores the emergence of solidarities amongst different marginalised groups including farmers and queer communities, to ensure food, work and basic survival.

Machín 2 Machín: Una perspectiva critica feminista y psicosocial sobre las nuevas redes digitales (I)

Partiendo de la expresión “machín to machín”, Loreto Bravo y Peter Bloom cuestionan la violencia blanda y micromachista que subyace a esta expresión. Este es su punto de partica para un artículo en dos entregas, donde hacen un análisis crítico de las redes 5G desde un enfoque psicosocial y feminista.

COVID-19 o la necropolítica del confinamiento: ¿a quién le importan los cuerpos trans?

Kira Xonorika, activista transfeminista, expone la ausencia de políticas estatales para personas trans en Paraguay durante el confinamiento por el COVID-19 y denuncia las graves consecuencias sociales del colonialismo corporal que patologiza la diversidad de género.

Questions for white liberals feminist talk - jeu, 06/18/2020 - 15:26

How do we look at racism and bias embedded within research? In the light of recent events in South Africa around how racist biases are being reproduced in classrooms,  research and knowledge production, these are important questions that white liberals and researchers must address. 

Questions for white liberals

Feminist reflections on internet policies - jeu, 06/18/2020 - 15:26

How do we look at racism and bias embedded within research? In the light of recent events in South Africa around how racist biases are being reproduced in classrooms,  research and knowledge production, these are important questions that white liberals and researchers must address. 

Los 15 de la Campaña por el Aborto Legal: la marea verde no salió a las calles, pero inundó las redes

Un grupo de mujeres se animaron a sacar del ámbito de la vida privada la palabra aborto para gritarlo en las calles. Tejieron redes en el territorio y en el tiempo. Su lucha para que las personas puedan decidir sobre sus propios cuerpos sigue en pie. A 15 años de su nacimiento, la marea verde fluye en las redes con una demanda contundente en la coyuntura del COVID-19: urge que el aborto sea ley.  

Los desafíos de lanzar una app sobre salud sexual en medio de la pandemia

Nuestra Decisión es una aplicación para obtener información sobre lugares de atención a la salud y derechos sexuales y reproductivos. También brinda datos oficiales acerca del COVID-19 y permite solicitar asistencia en casos de violencia de género y denunciar situaciones de violación de derechos.

Cummunity Standards feminist talk - lun, 05/25/2020 - 14:13

Across different countries, there has been a recorded surge of domestic violence against women especially, but has there been an increase in violence and harassment online? Here Morgan Barbour shares how she dealt with an uptick in violence and harassment she faced since the lockdown began, and how she made it part of her artistic practice.

Cummunity Standards

Feminist reflections on internet policies - lun, 05/25/2020 - 14:13

Across different countries, there has been a recorded surge of domestic violence against women especially, but has there been an increase in violence and harassment online? Here Morgan Barbour shares how she dealt with an uptick in violence and harassment she faced since the lockdown began, and how she made it part of her artistic practice.

Who Run The Instagram Live? Girls! feminist talk - ven, 05/22/2020 - 14:00

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Shakespeare wrote most of his plays during the bubonic plague, and now women and queer artists use the internet and social media to open up spaces for marginalised communities and bodies.

Who Run The Instagram Live? Girls!

Feminist reflections on internet policies - ven, 05/22/2020 - 14:00

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Shakespeare wrote most of his plays during the bubonic plague, and now women and queer artists use the internet and social media to open up spaces for marginalised communities and bodies.

La violencia sexual digital: ¿más leyes, más justicia?

Al menos 9 millones de mujeres en México han vivido violencia digital. Luchadoras MX desarrolla un proyecto de investigación sobre las reformas estatales impulsadas en Chihuahua y Jalisco sobre difusión sin consentimiento de imágenes íntimas. Sin embargo, denunciar violencia digital en el marco de estas reformas no parece ser garantía para su resolución. 

The online space making pandemic sex easier (sort of) feminist talk - mar, 05/19/2020 - 17:02

Much as there is the risk of the online space breeding great amounts of anxiety, this can also be a time to form different types of human connection, find out more about innovative ways to get off and take a look at your love lives. Here is how.

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