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Report - Making a Feminist Internet: Movement building in a digital age in Africa

Feminist reflections on internet policies - jeu, 08/13/2020 - 22:27

From 28 to 31 October 2019, 54 feminists from 19 countries, including Association for Progressive Communications (APC) staff members, came together in Muldersdrift, South Africa, to discuss “Making a Feminist Internet: Movement building in a digital age in Africa.” The purpose of the convening, abbreviated as #MFIAfrica, was to deepen the understanding of how the digital landscape has affected feminist, women’s rights, sexual rights and intersectional movement-building work; strengthen the capacity of feminist, women’s rights, sexual rights and digital security activists to respond to emerg

Language English

My Sextortion Birthday: Digital Violence During COVID-19 feminist talk - mar, 08/11/2020 - 09:49

The lockdown raises questions around digital security and safety. From online conferences being hacked to individual women tarteted for extortion, there is a lot happening. In this personal essay, one woman navigates sextortion through expression, art and fantasy.

My Sextortion Birthday: Digital Violence During COVID-19

Feminist reflections on internet policies - mar, 08/11/2020 - 09:49

The lockdown raises questions around digital security and safety. From online conferences being hacked to individual women tarteted for extortion, there is a lot happening. In this personal essay, one woman navigates sextortion through expression, art and fantasy.

Machín 2 Machín: A critical feminist and psychosocial perspective on new digital networks (II)

Feminist reflections on internet policies - lun, 08/10/2020 - 22:33

In the second part of their article, Loreto Bravo and Peter Bloom alert us to the dangers of a romanticization of technologies and develop a psychosocial and feminist approach as a tool to face the new wave of hyperconnectivity that is announced with 5G.

Precarious future for returnees coming back to Manipur feminist talk - sam, 08/08/2020 - 13:07

More than 45,000 people have registered to return to their home-state Manipur, and a large number of them are women nurses who faced discrimination and harassment while they were doing their jobs in mainland India. Returnees now face a precarious future regarding where they live, their jobs and their future.

Precarious future for returnees coming back to Manipur

Feminist reflections on internet policies - sam, 08/08/2020 - 13:07

More than 45,000 people have registered to return to their home-state Manipur, and a large number of them are women nurses who faced discrimination and harassment while they were doing their jobs in mainland India. Returnees now face a precarious future regarding where they live, their jobs and their future.

Machín 2 Machín: A critical feminist and psychosocial perspective on new digital networks (I)

Feminist reflections on internet policies - ven, 08/07/2020 - 19:48

In the first half of this two parts article, Loreto Bravo and Peter Bloom delve deeper into a critique of the new networks that are emerging with the rushed transition to 5G, from a feminist and psychosocial perspective.

Reír para sobrevivir | Intersecciones: un podcast tecnopolítico Ep. 3

En tiempos de crisis sanitaria, el consumo de cómics, historietas, memes y gifs ha crecido notoriamente. ¿Qué activa la alegría? ¿La risa nos libera? En este tercer episodio del podcast Intersecciones hablamos del humor y de cómo la risa nos ayuda a sobrevivir.


#Intersecciones - Sexting: una práctica política

El sexting, o sexteo se presenta como una alternativa posible para experimentar nuevas formas de vincularnos en la red. Sin embargo existen riesgos concretos para quienes optan por intercambiar imágenes o video eróticos. En, charlamos con Paz Peña cofundadora de Acoso.Online.

COVID-19 is Leaving Women and LGBTQIA+ People in the USA Vulnerable to Online Surveillance feminist talk - mer, 08/05/2020 - 13:41

Essential workers and service workers in the United States of America, especially those who belong to LGBTQIA+ community, are increasingly more vulnerable at the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are at risk of losing employment benefits, and are subject to discrimination and surveillance at their workplace.

COVID-19 is Leaving Women and LGBTQIA+ People in the USA Vulnerable to Online Surveillance

Feminist reflections on internet policies - mer, 08/05/2020 - 13:41

Essential workers and service workers in the United States of America, especially those who belong to LGBTQIA+ community, are increasingly more vulnerable at the workplace during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are at risk of losing employment benefits, and are subject to discrimination and surveillance at their workplace.

COVID-19 or the necropolitics of lockdown: Who cares about trans bodies? feminist talk - lun, 08/03/2020 - 22:00

Kira Xonorika exposes the absence of public policies for trans people in Paraguay during the lockdown by COVID-19 and denounces the serious social consequences of corporeal colonialism that pathologises gender diversity.

COVID-19 or the necropolitics of lockdown: Who cares about trans bodies?

Feminist reflections on internet policies - lun, 08/03/2020 - 22:00

Kira Xonorika exposes the absence of public policies for trans people in Paraguay during the lockdown by COVID-19 and denounces the serious social consequences of corporeal colonialism that pathologises gender diversity.

Influencers como referentes

El modelo de engagement de Twitter y otras redes nos está transformando en una audiencia pendiente. Los algoritmos empujan los debates más intensos y les dan mayor visibilidad y alcance. Florencia Vida habló con Danila Suárez Tomé sobre los debates feministas que se dan en el mundo virtual.

#Intersecciones - Internet: ese oscuro objeto del deseo

¿Cómo intervenir el espacio digital? ¿Qué rol ocupa el deseo en la construcción de nuestra identidad en línea? Sobre estas y otras cuestiones conversamos con Florencia Goldsman1, integrante de la campaña Dominemos la tecnología.

  • 1. Licenciada en comunicación por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA). Periodista. Feminista. Investigadora independiente.

Webcomic: The Internet's Footsprint feminist talk - ven, 07/24/2020 - 19:03

We often hear that the Internet is a cloud. But the Internet has a big footprint. With this first release we start a reflective webcomic series around Internet's infrastructure from a feminist technopolitical perspective.

Webcomic: The Internet's Footsprint

Feminist reflections on internet policies - ven, 07/24/2020 - 19:03

We often hear that the Internet is a cloud. But the Internet has a big footprint. With this first release we start a reflective webcomic series around Internet's infrastructure from a feminist technopolitical perspective.

Nuestros yoes digitales | Intersecciones: un podcast tecnopolítico Ep. 2

En el segundo episodio de #Intersecciones reflexionamos sobre cómo construir vínculos en internet. Hablamos de nuestro yo digital y de cómo desafiamos estereotipos.

#Intersecciones: La vigilancia al servicio del Estado

La pandemia del Coronavirus nos presenta varios desafíos en el espacio en línea. En América Latina la respuesta de los Estados ha sido, mayoritariamente, el solucionismo tecnológico. Florencia Flores Iborra conversó con activistas referentes de la región.

Policy reform: Working towards feminist transformation and change

Feminist reflections on internet policies - mar, 07/21/2020 - 16:06

The Feminist Internet Research Network intentionally seeks is to go beyond research to impact on policy and advocacy. But what should be a feminist approach to policy shifts, specifically coming from the global South?

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