Closer than ever

APC understands that we are all dealing with unprecedented circumstances as we face the challenges, fear and uncertainty brought on by the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. We know it impacts our work, our personal lives and the lives of those we care about. Each country is tackling the situation differently, so the contexts we find ourselves in are as diverse as the ways we find to navigate shifting conditions.

In these exceptional times, we wish to send our solidarity and appreciation for connecting with us. While we are distancing ourselves physically, we continue to stay closer than ever to each other and share tools and resources as well as support. We also want to examine how we can continue to promote human rights online in the context of a global pandemic. We are all facing this problem together but we know it affects different countries and communities in different ways. Therefore, we would like to channel the strength of our network to share some important resources that we hope will be empowering, enlightening and reassuring.

Below you will find articles and insights shared by our community, which has been working on human rights and technology issues for over 30 years. We will be updating these lists on a regular basis, so please feel free to connect with us if you have some resources to share.



Using the internet during a pandemic: Is it a choice?
Using the internet during a pandemic: Is it a choice? 16 February 2021 Brindaalakshmi. K for LocNet and

Brindaalakshmi. K shares her experience of working with community networks in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in India and the importance of independent community networks as a support mechanism for gender and sexual minorities.

Inside the Digital Society: It’s the digital SOCIETY…
Inside the Digital Society: It’s the digital SOCIETY… 08 February 2021 David Souter

When people talk about the digital society, what’s their priority?

Networks woven with care
Networks woven with care 25 January 2021 Luisa Bagope and Sonaksha Iyengar for

This beautifully illustrated story is a tale about how two community network women in India and the women around them sustained connectivity while navigating a global pandemic as the country came to a lockdown.

Inside the Digital Society: COVID-19, the Information Society and ways ahead from WSIS
Inside the Digital Society: COVID-19, the Information Society and ways ahead from WSIS 25 January 2021 David Souter

This week’s blog, the first of 2021, is a keynote presentation to the UN Commission on Science and Technology for Development (CSTD)’s review of progress towards the Information Society since the World Summit (WSIS) of 2003/2005. It reviews last year and looks forward to recovery.

APC, Rhizomatica and join efforts to support community network responses to COVID-19
APC, Rhizomatica and join efforts to support community network responses to COVID-19 07 January 2021 and APCNews

In a partnership with APC and Rhizomatica's LocNet initiative, is supporting five organisations, in Argentina, India, Mexico, Nigeria and Uganda, in their efforts to strengthen community networks and respond to the challenges in the face of COVID-19.

TEDIC Paraguay: Mass surveillance in the context of state emergency
TEDIC Paraguay: Mass surveillance in the context of state emergency 07 January 2021 Paloma Lara Castro para TEDIC

Unprecedented levels of surveillance, data exploitation, and misinformation are being tested across the world. It is important to examine how these technological solutions will impact democracy at the global level, both during this emergency period and moving forward.

Hardworking and resilient women engage with a health information chatbot in Pamoja Net
Hardworking and resilient women engage with a health information chatbot in Pamoja Net 17 December 2020 Chako Armant for and APC's local access networks project invited women who work in community networks to share their experiences in the times of COVID-19 and their reflections on what these times have revealed around centring meaningful communication in their physical and digital communities.

Inside the Digital Society: Building (digital) back better?
Inside the Digital Society: Building (digital) back better? 16 December 2020 David Souter

The last blog post of the year. Last week I reflected on the (digital) year gone by; this week some thoughts – and hopes – for the (digital) year to come.

2020 APC Member Convening: Closer than ever
2020 APC Member Convening: Closer than ever 14 December 2020

We are taking our learnings from the 2020 Member Convening and allowing them to shape our long-term visions, as we celebrate the work of the past 30 years and amplify our commitment to our collective advocacy, solidarity, resistance and transformation.

COVID-19 and the Right to Privacy: An analysis of South Korean experiences
COVID-19 and the Right to Privacy: An analysis of South Korean experiences 09 December 2020 Byoung-il Oh, Yeokyung Chang and SeonHwa Jeong

This new report jointly published by the Korean Progressive Network Jinbonet and the Institute for Digital Rights summarises digital rights violations during the response to COVID-19 in South Korea.

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