Environment and ICTs

Bloggers intimidated as wave of environmental protests hits Bulgaria
Bloggers intimidated as wave of environmental protests hits Bulgaria 17 July 2007 APC

The Bulgarian police has called in bloggers and pressured them to stop writing about the recent wave of environmental protests that has swept across the country in the recent weeks. While the issue is hot in Bulgaria and broadly covered by the Bulgarian press, I thought it would be important to share it with the APC community and request your support.

Nunc mollis elit
Nunc mollis elit 10 April 2007

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi aliquam, enim eget pretium sagittis, mi mi ornare augue, sit amet malesuada velit tellus a dui. Cras et purus ut purus fermentum lacinia. Mauris ut leo at urna tincidunt consequat. Duis eleifend magna ac tortor. Phasellus rutrum ullamcorper augue. Suspendisse sit amet pede. Pellentesque non leo. Etiam eu turpis id neque volutpat aliquam. Nunc molestie. Aliquam suscipit. Nunc mollis elit non arcu. Etiam vel nibh ut augue adipiscin...

e-Governance in Nepal
e-Governance in Nepal 27 March 2007 APC

Blog for creating awareness in community, government bureaucracy and all concerned about ICT, e-Governance, citizen services, poverty alleviation through ICT and contribute empowering society into knowledge based society

ICT Update Magazine Issue 35 - Coping with climate change
ICT Update Magazine Issue 35 - Coping with climate change 08 March 2007 APC

Leigh Phillips here, editor with ICT Update Magazine, (http://ictupdate.cta.

UN agencies and industry launch network on e-waste
UN agencies and industry launch network on e-waste 07 March 2007 FN for PCNews

Several United Nations agencies, partners and technology companies are setting up a consortium aimed at extending the life of computers and other electronic equipment, reducing pollution and improving the salvage, which is turning into a growing problem worldwide.

E-waste: Impacts, challenges and the role of civil society
E-waste: Impacts, challenges and the role of civil society 28 February 2007 Katherine Walraven

That information and communication technologies (ICTs) have a valuable role to play in building a more fair, just, and sustainable world is well established. APC is a firm believer in the power of these tools to transform lives and communities. And yet, while the benefits of expanding access to ICTs are many, there are negative impacts as well, such as the problems associated with a growing vol...

WSF coverage: International campaign against Coca-Cola hits WSF
WSF coverage: International campaign against Coca-Cola hits WSF 29 January 2007 Magdaline Nkando, Lillian Njogu, Tabitha Mbinya, Dickson Muriuki and Diana Amollo

The giant multinational soft drinks Coca-Cola Company is in trouble, thanks to the International Campaign to Hold Coca-Cola Accountable for destroying lives, livelihoods and communities. The campaign that was initiated in India puts pressure on the Coca-Cola Company and links human rights, environmental justice and labour rights.

Film-making farmers
Film-making farmers 11 December 2006 APC

The latest edition of ICT Update magazine has just been published.

Environment as part of internet governance
Environment as part of internet governance 30 October 2006 APC

I just ran into Pavel Antonov from APC-member organisation BlueLink in Bulgaria. He just flew into Athens from Riga where he was giving a training to leading Latvian state-TV and national newspaper journalists in how to report on sustainable energy. Pavel is the chair of a workshop here at the IGF in Athens. It’s called “Greening Development through ICT and Civic Engagement” ...

ICT Update Magazine Issue 33 - Urban Agriculture
ICT Update Magazine Issue 33 - Urban Agriculture 17 October 2006 APC

The latest edition of ICT Update has just been published. This edition’s theme is ‘Urban Agriculture’.

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