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PRE-EVENTS – 8 November 2015

Best Bits Pre-event

Organised by Best Bits, this meeting offers participants the opportunity to review the internet governance landscape, and to dive deep into a few selected key areas. Participants at the Best Bits 2015 meeting will share knowledge of recent developments, broaden their understanding of existing initiatives in this space, and collaborate on the development of shared principles and strategies to advance the use of transparent, participatory processes in the development of internet policies.
09:00 – 18:00 | Xênius Hotel, Av. Cabo Branco
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PRE-EVENTS – 9 November 2015

Collaborative Leadership Exchange

09:00 – 18:00 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 1
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Latin America in a Glimpse

Organised by Derechos Digitales in collaboration with APC, this meeting aims to share perspectives on the status of internet rights in Latin American countries with a group of diverse stakeholders.
09:00 – 12:15 | Nord Luxxor Skyler Hotel

Gender and the Internet

At the intersection of gender and the internet, the way forward is to bring women’s rights and internet rights activists together with stakeholders from government, the private sector and technical communities. Organised by APC’s Women’s Rights Programme, this IGF pre-event aims to increase internet governance stakeholders’ awareness of sexual rights, queer rights and women’s rights in order to increase collaboration and to develop a roadmap for moving ahead.
10:00 – 12:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 4
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WSIS+10 Pre-event

Organised by APC, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, and the Internet Democracy Project, this half-day event seeks to bring together representatives from all stakeholder groups to have an open yet focused discussion about where the preparations for the World Summit on the Information Society 10-year review (WSIS+10) stand at this point in time from the perspective of the most vulnerable people of this world. It will question whether the review is moving forward in a way that will help us come closer to the WSIS goal of a “people-centred, development-oriented, inclusive information society”.
14:00 – 18:00 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 3


“Disco-techs” are informal evening events designed to bridge the gap between technical and political solutions to attacks on internet rights and freedoms. The topic for this event, organised by APC and Tactical Tech, will be anonymity, where speakers will highlight different aspects of anonymity.
19:00 – 22:00 | Restaurant Nau Frutos Do Mar, Rua Lupercio Branco, 130

DAY 1 – 10 November 2015

Workshop: Promoting local actions to secure internet rights

Organised by APC, this workshop aims to take a critical approach, through a roundtable that will discuss whether global efforts and campaigns are actually making local actions more difficult or if they can effectively empower and support local communities in advancing internet rights. It will address internet governance and human rights discussion from a grassroots perspective, while sharing experiences from local organisations in a global setting.
09:00 – 10:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 10
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Workshop: Freedom of expression online: Gaps in policy and practice

While there is now global consensus that the right to freedom of expression applies in the digital environment, there is less clarity on how this applies in practice. In an effort to take a consistent approach to measuring freedom of expression online, APC has developed indicators based on UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression Frank La Rue’s groundbreaking 2011 report. The goal of this roundtable organised by Digital Empowerment Foundation with APC, Bytes for All and Derechos Digitales, is both to critically assess experiences applying the APC-La Rue indicators and to identify trends and areas for further research.
09:00 – 10:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 9
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DAY 2 – 11 November 2015

Workshop: Unlocking the internet economy through copyright reform

Digital technologies and the internet have changed the way we experience, engage with and extract value from information goods. This workshop organised by APC, IFLA, Public Knowledge, University of São Paulo and FEBAB seeks to reflect on current understandings of whether copyright can contribute or not to innovation delivering economic value.
11:00 – 12:00 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 5
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Workshop: The Global “Public Interest” in Critical Internet Resources

Organised by APC, ISOC, ICANN, Afilias and others, the workshop will be a roundtable exploring questions about what is meant by public interest and how it relates to internet governance and critical internet resources.
14:00 – 15:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 1
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Workshop: Terms of Service as Cyber-Regulation

Organised by APC, Center for Technology & Society, Council of Europe and Tilburg University. The workshop will be a roundtable discussion on how to ensure terms of service (ToS) are in line with human rights and how intergovernmental organisations be involved.
16:00 – 17:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 10
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DAY 3 – 12 November 2015

Open Forum

Organised by APC, the forum will focus on the 25th anniversary of APC and its role in and contribution to internet governance.
09:00 – 10:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 2

Workshop: How Can Internet Policy Making Support LGBT Rights?

The internet is a crucial tool and significant space for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movements across the world to connect, mobilise and advocate for social justice. Yet LGBT activists face a number of challenges when working online. Participants in this workshop organised by APC will discuss the impact of internet policy making on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) rights. Discussion will lead to specific recommendations being made for supporting LGBT rights at government, technical, corporate and civil society levels.
11:00 – 12:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 9
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Workshop: Blasphemy policies: Consequences for the digital world

The extension to the digital realm of blasphemy laws that criminalise expression deemed blasphemous or defamatory of religion is becoming an increasingly important concern. This workshop seeks to build on the Asia Regional Conference on Freedom of Expression, Opinion and Religious Freedoms (June 2015) to generate discussion on the impact of blasphemy laws on the governance and practice of freedom of expression online. This workshop organised by Bytes for All and APC will bring together experts from around the world to see how this issue manifests in different regions and what internet governance frameworks can be employed to tackle the issue.
16:00 – 17:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 1
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Launch of the 2015 Global Information Society Watch

This edition of GISWatch presents stories from around the world on how the politics of sex and sexual rights activism take place online. The timing of this publication is critical, as many across the globe are denied their sexual rights, some facing direct persecution for their sexuality. The report covers 57 countries with eight thematic reports.
12:30 – 13:15 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 10
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APC Annual Party and 25th Anniversary Celebration

19:30 | Bessa Grill

DAY 4 – 13 November 2015

Workshop: IGF beyond 2015: Extend mandate, strengthen institution

Organised by ISOC, APC, the Government of Mexico and ICC BASIS, the workshop will be a roundtable discussing issues on the importance of the IGF and its role in enhancing multistakeholderism. Following this, there will be a discussion on the WSIS review.
09:00 – 10:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 10
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Main Session: Human Rights on the Internet

The Human Rights Main Session, co-coordinated by APC as part of the MAG, aims to create a space to discuss key issues and questions that emerge from workshop sessions focused on human rights as well as new questions and topics raised in this public consultation. The main areas are organised based on workshop submissions under the thematic area of human rights.
11:00 – 13:00 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Meeting Hall

Session: Community Networks: A Revolutionary Paradigm

Organised by APC, OpenIXP Indonesia, ISOC, Center for Technology & Society at Fundaçao Getulio Vargas and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, this session will analyse the challenges and opportunities that community networks present regarding internet access, social organisation and non-discriminatory internetworking. This workshop will aim at identifying best practices for community network management and distilling core policy elements aimed at fostering the development of community networks.
14:00 – 15:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 8
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