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Chat Garcia Ramilo

Chat Garcia Ramilo became the executive director of APC in April 2017, after several years as the organisation's deputy executive director. She first joined the APC staff in 2000, and is an experienced manager, evaluator, resource person and speaker on gender and ICTs internationally. Chat was the manager of APC’s women’s programme from 2005 to 2012 and led the development, fundraising and management of nine multi-country ICT for development projects that focused on gender equality and women’s empowerment. She managed APC’s Gender Evaluation Methodology project from 2001 to 2005 and was lead author of the Gender Evaluation Methodologies for Internet and ICTs (GEM) manual, published in 2005.

Chat has worked as a gender and ICT consultant for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), the the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), the World Bank, UNIFEM, UNESCAP and the United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women. She is also the board chair of the Center for Migrant Advocacy in the Philippines. She lives in the Philippines with her son.

Areas of expertise:

  • Design and management of multi-country women’s empowerment and development projects.
  • Gender planning and evaluation of ICT for development projects and programmes.
  • Design and management of gender and digital divide research projects.
  • Training facilitator on gender analysis of ICT for development projects.
  • Strategic planning and organisational development of civil society organisations.
  • Management and coordination of multi-country teams and partnerships.
  • Experienced speaker and resource person on women’s rights, gender equality and ICT for development.

Purpose of position

The executive director is the operational centre of APC. Effective management and leadership is the responsibility of the Executive Director and enables a solid foundation for the overall health and effectiveness of the organisation. The executive director is accountable for the position as outlined in the APC Bylaws, Article VIII, Section 8: "The Executive Director shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, supervise and control the affairs of this organisation and the activities of the staff, implement the policies and strategies adopted by the Board of Directors and the Members, and have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or these Bylaws." The objective of this position is to provide effective leadership of the organisation, build APC's profile, ensure financial sustainability, provide oversight of APC's operations, and ensure the effective implementation of APC programmes and management systems in line with APC strategy.


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