
Inside the Information Society: Making policy for the digital age
Inside the Information Society: Making policy for the digital age 03 December 2018 David Souter

Some people view the future with excitement. Others look on it in trepidation. That’s especially so as we accelerate towards a digital society.

The National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper South Africa 2016: Commentary on the internet
The National Integrated ICT Policy White Paper South Africa 2016: Commentary on the internet 14 December 2016 Esther Kamande

The recently published white paper focuses on convergence of modern and traditional modes of communication, which is a big step in connecting the present to the future of information and communications technologies (ICTs). The use of data in formulating policies and monitoring progress is also a great step towards an evidence-based policy that measures progress within set timelines.

IGF 2016 - Internet Governance in the Middle East and North Africa policy brief
IGF 2016 - Internet Governance in the Middle East and North Africa policy brief 05 December 2016 APC

With the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) kicking off this week in Guadalajara, Mexico, we developed a guide for participants from the Middle East and North Africa, identifying sessions on themes relevant in the region: human rights, security, trade, and the internet economy.

Open Letter: Facebook, Fix "Real Name” Policy
Open Letter: Facebook, Fix "Real Name” Policy 07 October 2015

A group of NGOs, including APC, have sent an open letter to Facebook, in representation of individuals who have experienced harm as a result of Facebook’s “real name” policy.

How does internet policy affect Maghreb-Machrek human rights defenders?
How does internet policy affect Maghreb-Machrek human rights defenders? 22 December 2014

How does internet policy affect Maghreb-Machrek human rights defenders (HRDs) in their work? Who are the major players in internet policy and how can Maghreb-Machrek HRDs effectively engage them? These were the questions discussed at the regional seminar on freedom of expression, freedom of association and the right to the internet, in Marrakesh, Morocco.

GISWatch reports: Monitoring ICT for development, democracy and social justice
GISWatch reports: Monitoring ICT for development, democracy and social justice 18 December 2014 Leila Nachawati Rego

GISWatch is an annual report covering the state of the information society from the perspectives of civil society. This year’s key theme is surveillance. Read the report and explore the findings by country.

Policy and regulatory issues in the mobile internet
Policy and regulatory issues in the mobile internet 30 May 2011 Russell Southwood

This paper is part of a series of policy briefs on the mobile internet from a human rights perspective The mobile internet as new media The mobile phone is rapidly becoming media, both as a primary source for content and as a platform for delivery of content. With rapid changes in what a mobile phone can actually do, millions of people are using it to access the internet and to upload and distr...

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