law and justice

Dialling in the Law: A comparative assessment of jurisprudence on internet shutdowns
Dialling in the Law: A comparative assessment of jurisprudence on internet shutdowns 03 November 2020 Aayush Rathi, Arindrajit Basu and Anoushka Soni

This report outlines jurisprudence across the global South on the legality of internet shutdowns. It tackles the growing challenge of government-mandated disruptions of internet access around the world, often under the guise of safeguarding public order and upholding national security interests.

Engage Media's Pretty Good Podcast: Discussions on digital rights in Asia-Pacific
Engage Media's Pretty Good Podcast: Discussions on digital rights in Asia-Pacific 25 June 2020 Sara Pacia for EngageMedia

The second episode of Pretty Good Podcast delves deeper into the Philippine court cyber libel ruling against journalists Maria Ressa and Reynaldo Santos Jr. of Rappler, a Philippine news organisation known to be critical of incumbent President Rodrigo Duterte.

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