internet shutdowns

Internet Freedom Foundation joins the APC network: "Digital rights are indispensable and not an addendum to our fundamental rights"
Internet Freedom Foundation joins the APC network: "Digital rights are indispensable and not an addendum to our fundamental rights" 03 April 2024 APCNews

Meet the Internet Freedom Foundation (IFF), a New Delhi-based organisation committed to democratising the potential of technology and individual liberty, and one of the recent additions to the APC member network.

Pakistan elections 2024: A dramatic episode of defiance and uncertainty
Pakistan elections 2024: A dramatic episode of defiance and uncertainty 07 March 2024 Usman Shahid

After weeks of uncertainty, Pakistan has finally elected a prime minister in an eight-party coalition government. This election was unique in the use and denial of technology, the swift flows of disinformation and the lack of accountability for citizens' digital rights.

A call for global solidarity and decisive action to end Myanmar’s military rule and ensure victory for the people resisting dictatorship
A call for global solidarity and decisive action to end Myanmar’s military rule and ensure victory for the people resisting dictatorship 01 February 2024 Various

Three years after Myanmar’s military junta seized power, local and international civil society actors including APC are calling on the international community to stand with the country's people, offering not only solidarity, but also concrete resources to resist digital oppression.

"This attack has brought all human rights frameworks into question”: Experts speak about genocide and the internet in Gaza
"This attack has brought all human rights frameworks into question”: Experts speak about genocide and the internet in Gaza 19 December 2023 APCNews

7amleh, SMEX and APC organised a webinar to commemorate Human Rights Day and discuss the ongoing violations affecting civil society, the internet and communications in Gaza. Several civil society experts weighed in on pressing issues of concern in the current crisis. 

Learn how to get past an internet shutdown
Learn how to get past an internet shutdown 13 December 2023 Gaurav Jain

Last year the highest number of internet shutdowns were recorded in the world, and we must equip defenders with strategies to bypass such blocking. APC has developed a game-based training to help understand internet infrastructure, shutdown procedures and circumvention tools.

Upcoming webinar on Gaza: Genocide and the Internet
Upcoming webinar on Gaza: Genocide and the Internet 05 December 2023 APCNews

7amleh, SMEX and APC are hosting a webinar on Monday, 11 December to commemorate Human Rights Day and to shed light on the ongoing violations that are affecting civil society organisations, the internet and communications infrastructure in Gaza and internet spaces in general.

Digital repression and resistance in Venezuela: A silent crisis within the political crisis
Digital repression and resistance in Venezuela: A silent crisis within the political crisis 27 July 2023 Laura Vidal

There is a digital crisis in Venezuela combining a lack of infrastructure with surveillance and severe control of information online. Amidst the siege, civil society is mounting a resistance to keep the digital realm and information flow free and alive.

We call for review and reform of the legal and regulatory framework governing internet shutdowns in India
We call for review and reform of the legal and regulatory framework governing internet shutdowns in India 06 April 2023 Various

India imposed 84 internet shutdowns in 2022, the highest number globally for the fifth year in a row. APC joins a global civil society coalition to urgently ask the Indian government to create meaningful safeguards for citizens' digital rights and ensure unfettered access to an open, secure and reliable internet. 

Democracy is dying in digital darkness
Democracy is dying in digital darkness 03 April 2023 Vasundhara Sirnate and Gaurav Jain

Last year saw the highest number of internet shutdowns ever recorded. Such enforced digital darkness is a slippery slope of easy authoritarianism that we see spreading globally, one that countries like India, with the world's highest number of shutdowns, are using to gain undemocratic compliance from their citizens.

India’s Draft Telco Bill empowers governments to impose internet shutdowns
India’s Draft Telco Bill empowers governments to impose internet shutdowns 27 October 2022 Various

APC and the other signatories of this open letter urge the Department of Telecommunications to withdraw the Draft Indian Telecommunication Bill and to prepare a new rights-respecting version, in consultation with stakeholders.

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