icts and climate change

New research on ICTs for climate change adaptation in the water sector
New research on ICTs for climate change adaptation in the water sector 19 April 2012 APC

In this new publication by APC and IDRC, researchers look at how ICTs are, and can be, applied to help communities experiencing water-related stress, adapt to climate change. It gathers reports from Africa, Asia and Latin America; and provides conceptual tools for practitioners.

ICTs, climate change and water: Need for local adaptation strategies
ICTs, climate change and water: Need for local adaptation strategies 22 March 2012 Shawna Finnegan and Alan Finlay

Climate change is increasingly affecting the availabily and quality of water world wide, and the poorest are, as usual, the hardest hit. In April APC and the IDRC will release a series of research reports that explore how ICTs can help individuals and communities adapt to water issues related to climate change.

ICTs and environmental sustainability: Egypt baseline study
ICTs and environmental sustainability: Egypt baseline study 29 September 2011 Leila Hassanin & Nahla Hassan

This report looks at how ICTs are being used in Egypt to mitigate and adapt to climate change as well as how e-waste is managed in the country. It documents the key stakeholders involved, offers an overview of the policy and legislative context, analyses challenges and trends, and identifies several key areas for civil society advocacy.

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