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APC is committed to contributing to environmental justice and preservation of the Earth, mitigating the negative environmental impacts of the internet, digital technologies and the digital economy through our collective actions and activism. As part of this commitment, we are excited to launch a new initiative, called #EcoThursday.

Starting on 6 October, we invite everyone to join our members and partners every Thursday on APC's social media channels (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram), where we will convene and connect academic and activist knowledge about how to use the internet and digital technologies to adapt to and combat climate change.

Building on our history of emerging from green movements and our ongoing connections with them, and the decades-long experience with a hands-on approach to technology and its use in ways that are sustainable and promote social and environmental justice and human rights, we will use our social media spaces to open discussions and engage relevant organisations in the field, while also highlighting how environmental justice intersects with other areas. It will be an inspirational and engaging convening space, an intersectional analysis catalyser and why not, a mobilisation device.

And there's even more: on the last Thursday of every month, one of the APC members engaged in the tech and environmental sustainability field will be taking over the APC Twitter account, with its over 20,000 followers, to share information about their local work to advance environmental justice, introduce relevant materials, and inspire us with replicable cases and challenging questions. 

The APC network is integrated by many members and associates who advocate locally and in some cases regionally on technology and environmental justice and sustainability, mostly in the global South. Some of them are Acción Ecológica in Ecuador, Arid Lands Information Network in Kenya, BlueLink Information Network in Bulgaria, Body & Data in Nepal, Bytesforall Bangladesh and VOICE in Bangladesh, Colnodo in Colombia, Digital Empowerment FoundationServelots and SPACE in India, EMPOWER in Malaysia, CITADFantsuam Foundation and MAJI in Nigeria, Foundation for Media Alternatives in Philippines, Computer Aid International and GreenNet in the UK, Intervozes and Nupef in Brazil, May First Movement Technology in the US, Nodo TAU in Argentina, Open Culture Foundation in Taiwan, Pangea in Barcelona, PROTEGE QV in Cameroon, Rhizomatica in Mexico, Strawberrynet Foundation in Romania, Sulá Batsú in Costa Rica, and Zenzeleni Networks NPC in South Africa.

Remember that you need to make sure to follow APC social media channels, and be there on Thursdays ready to engage in this convening space using #EcoThursday.
You can also join our Twitter list on tech and climate justice to stay informed!
Some good reads to warm up: