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A schedule with the activities APC organisational and individual members are involved in before and during the Internet Governance Forum in Geneva, from 18 to 21 December, 2017.

PRE-EVENTS – 17 December 2017

The 12th Annual Symposium of the Global Internet Governance Academic Network (GigaNet)

09:00-18:00 | Salle 15 CICG

Stéphane Couture, Canada

Women and LGBTQI in the IGF

14:00-16:00 Salle 3 CICG

Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Brazil

Latin America in a Glimpse

15:00-18:00 Public Salle 13 CICG 

Derechos Digitales, Chile

Reflections from the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa

13:30-15:00 | Salle 18 CICG

CIPESA, Uganda

World Economic Forum: An open dialogue for collaboration in the digital economy and society

15:00-16:30 Salle 14 CICG

​​​​​​William Drake, Switzerland


DAY 1 – 18 December 2017

NRIs Collaborative Session: Fake news, disinformation, misinformation: challenges for internet governance

11:50-13:20 Room XXIII - E UNOG

Colnodo, Colombia

WS12: Social responsibility and ethics in artificial intelligence

09:00-10:30 Room XII - A UNOG

​​​​​​William Drake, Switzerland


DAY 2 – 19 December 2017

Shawarma, Baklava, and Digital Rights Law

19:00-22:00 Rue de Varembé 1


Social Media Exchange, Lebanon

WS128: The future of Internet governance: Submarine cables and global interconnectivity

09:00-10:30 Room XII - A UNOG

Intervozes, Brazil

WS215: Selective persecution and the mob: Hate and religion online

11:50-13:20 Room XII - A UNOG

Gayathry Venkiteswaran, India

WS32: Data localization and barriers to crossborder data flows

15:00-16:30 Room XXVI - E UNOG

William Drake, Switzerland

UNCTAD Open Forum on digitalization and international trade

09:00-10:00 Room XXVII - E UNOG

​​​​​​William Drake, Switzerland


DAY 3 – 20 December 2017

WS201: State-led interference in encrypted systems: a public debate on different policy approaches

09:00-10:30 Room XXI - E UNOG

NUPEF, Brazil

WS282: Biometrics and identity in the Global South

10:10-11:40 | Room XXVI - E UNOG

Derechos Digitales, Chile

WS129: Making artificial intelligence (AI) work for equity and social justice

15:00-16:30 Room XI - A UNOG

Point of View, India

OF6: African IGF Open Forum

17:20-18:20 Room XXIII - E UNOG

Makane Faye, Ethiopia


DAY 4 – 21 December 2017

NRIs Collaborative Session: Access and existing barriers on regional and national levels

10:10-11:40 Room XXIII - E UNOG

Colnodo, Colombia

Digital transformation: How do we shape its socio-economic and labor impacts for good?

10:00-13:00 | Main Hall - Room XVII - E

Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Brazil

WS102: Redefining rights for a gender inclusive networked future

11:20-12:20 Room XXI - E

Renata Aquino Ribeiro, Brazil