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As members of the Global Encryption Coalition, APC is joining the efforts around the first annual Global Encryption Day to take place on 21 October, to encourage encryption by promoting the switch to encrypted platforms and pushing governments to abandon plans that will weaken encryption.

In the context of increasing criminalisation and pushbacks in users' privacy rights, this is an opportunity to tell governments around the world that protecting and strengthening encryption is crucial to making the internet safer for their citizens.

Even though the official day for the campaign is 21 October, APC will be carrying out actions over the preceding week as well, from 18 to 21 October.


Let’s grow a voice too powerful to ignore!


  • Article on on why encryption matters from a policy perspective – available on Monday, 18 October here.

  • A guide with instructions and tips on how to encrypt your hard disk – available on Monday, 18 October here.

  • Statement by the coalition – available on Thursday, 21 October here.

  • Launch of the Alliance for Encryption in Latin America and the Caribbean on 21 October at 17:00 UTC. (Consulta la información sobre la Alianza en español aquí).

  • Social media campaign to raise awareness about the importance of encryption that will go from 18 to 21 October, with the following resources:

    • #MakeTheSwitch social toolkit here.

    • APC social media messaging here.

    • Social media banners by APC here (password: GED2021).

    • A list of useful resources on encryption here.

    • These are the hashtags that the campaign will be using: #Encryption #GlobalEncryption #GlobalEncryptionDay #MaketheSwitch

  • We will have Twitter Q&As with members of our network who are working hard to advance encryption at all levels. Join us and ask your questions!

    • Asia and Europe regions: Monday 18 October at 12:00 UTC following @apc_news and using the hashtag #push4encryption

    • North America and LAC region: Tuesday 19 October at 14:00 UTC following @apc_news and using the hashtag #push4encryption

  • Come join us for an infosec game for members with extra focus on encryption on Tuesday, 19 October from 12:00 to 13:30 UTC (link to the meeting room was sent to the member mailing list). Join us in our attack and defense game, to learn more on information security, so you can get your organisation and friends encription-ready! (and more secure in general)


How can you join?

  • Add your organisation to the list of statement supporters!

  • Share the content, republish it, repost it and remix it as you want!

  • Share from your social media handles or repost from APC accounts!

  • Send it to your networks, friends, allies, journalists and governments so we get the word out and we push together!

  • If you would like to write a blog post about your experience with encryption and why it matters, please let us know if you need help and follow these 10 tips for blogging that you might find useful!

  • Participate in the Twitter interviews and ask questions!

  • Invite local journalists to join!

  • Join us to learn more on information security, so you can get your organisation and friends encryption-ready!