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If you are interested in keeping up to date with news and information around community networks and local access, we invite you to subscribe to the local access newsletter that the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) sends out once a month.

The purpose of this newsletter is to provide monthly updates on news and reports, calls for grants, fellowships and awards, and information on events around community networks and local access. 

There are a great many news items and reports about innovations in low-cost communication technologies, locally owned and managed communication infrastructure systems, case studies on community networks in the global South, updates on regulatory changes (at the global, national and sub-national levels), announcements of funding opportunities, calls for events, and so on, that are shared in different mailing lists, Twitter feeds and other channels. Our aim is to crowdsource this information and bring it all together in one place on a monthly basis, so that we can share it with everyone who wants to stay up to date on this increasingly critical topic.

We believe that a better informed community of practitioners could make a significant contribution to the implementation and operation of more resilient locally owned telecommunications infrastructure.

You can access all the previous newsletter editions here:



Number 65 - January 2024 / Number 66 - February 2024 / Number 67 - March 2024 / Number 68 - April 2024 / Number 69 - May 2024 / Number 70 - June 2024 / Number 71 - July 2024



Number 54 - January 2023 / Number 55 - February 2023 / Number 56 - March 2023 / Number 57 - April 2023 / Number 58 - May 2023 / Number 59 - June 2023 / Number 60 - July 2023 / Number 61 - August 2023 / Number 62 - September 2023 / Number 63 - October 2023 Number 64 - November 2023



Number 43 - January 2022 / Number 44 - February 2022 Number 45 - March 2022 Number 46 - April 2022 Number 47 - May 2022Number 48 - June 2022 / Number 49 - July 2022 / Number 50 - August 2022 Number 51 - September 2022 / Number 52 - October 2022 / Number 53 - November 2022



Number 32 - January 2021 / Number 33 - February 2021 / Number 34 - March 2021 / Number 35 - April 2021 / Number 36 - May 2021 / Number 37 - June 2021 / Number 38 - July 2021 Number 39 - August 2021 Number 40 - September 2021 Number 41 - October 2021 / Number 42 - November 2021



Number 25 - May 2020 / Number 26 - June 2020 / Number 27 - July 2020 / Number 28 - August 2020 / Number 29 - September 2020 / Number 30 - October 2020 / Number 31 - November 2020



Number 14 - January 2019 / Number 15 - February 2019 / Number 16 - March 2019 / Number 17 - April 2019 / Number 18 - May 2019 / Number 19 - June 2019 / Number 20 - July 2019 / Number 21 - August 2019 / Number 22 - September 2019 / Number 23 - October 2019 / Number 24 -  November and December 2019 



Number 1 - December 2017 / Number 2 - January 2018 / Number 3 - February 2018 / Number 4 - March 2018 / Number 5 - April 2018 / Number 6 - May 2018 / Number 7 - June 2018 / Number 8 - July 2018 / Number 9 - August 2018 / Number 10 - September 2018 / Number 11 - October 2018 / Number 12 - November 2018 / Number 13 - December 2018 


This newsletter is part of the Local Networks (LocNet) initiative, a collective effort led by APC and Rhizomatica in partnership with people and organisations in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean, aiming to directly support community networks and to contribute to an enabling ecosystem for their emergence and growth. This newsletter was part of the project titled, “Local Access Networks: Can the unconnected connect themselves?” carried out by APC in partnership with Internet Society and Rhizomática, with support from Canada's International Development Research Centre (IDRC) in 2017/2018 and funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) from 2019 to 2022.

Invite others to subscribe to this monthly newsletter here! If you have comments about the newsletter or information relevant to the topic that you would like us to include in the next edition, please share it with us at or by using this webform.