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The documentary 10 tactics for turning information into action, produced by Tactical Tech and launched in December 2009 has been screened, by NGOs, rights advocates and independent media, at over 100 events, reaching 5155 people.

The 100th screening was held on June 1st in Kampala, Uganda, by WOUGNET. The film is reaching out to a
wide audience, including groups and areas where language barriers have previously been a problem. The film can now be watched online with a choice of 25 language subtitle options including Belarussian, Japanese, Chinese, French, Spanish and Hindi with the facility for users to create subtitles in their own languages. Tactical Tech also welcomes those who want to replicate the 10 Tactics website, with all its content, in their own languages. In fact, Spanish and Burmese versions of this website are on their way.

The project lead, Tanya Notley, said “we have realised the value of placing inspiration and demystification at the centre of resources because this opens up the conversation.” This project has gained momentum as enthusiastic volunteers have contributed by screening the film and hosting discussions and debates, translating the film and in some cases, starting info-activism projects of their own.

After seeing the film, a group of young climate action activists in Nepal were inspired to create their own climate action toolkit; in Tijuana the 10 Tactics screening led to discussions with the Human Rights Commission on how they can support rights violation monitoring and; a group in Mexico are now using it as a vehicle to gather information and assess the need for technology support amongst various education and advocacy organisations in Latin America. Executive Director, Stephanie Hankey says; “We are thrilled with the success of the film and the feedback that we are getting. This film is really valued for its inspirational effect and the diversity of seeing so many amazing activists from all over the world using new technologies to turn information into action. We’re going to continue to support others hosting screenings throughout the year”.

The 50-minute documentary, and accompanying resource materials, feature 35 grassroots info-activism stories told by advocates from 24 different countries during the Info-Activism Camp 2009 in India.

For more information or to view/download the content, visit the 10 Tactics project at, email us at or contact us on twitter at
