
Sursiendo joins the APC network: “We like being part of a global network with its feet planted in local communities”
Sursiendo joins the APC network: “We like being part of a global network with its feet planted in local communities” 01 April 2024 APCNews

Meet Sursiendo, an independent organisation based in Chiapas, Mexico, committed to activism, communications, design, free/libre software, popular education, art and culture, and an APC member since February 2024.

r/chickflixxx: Feminist (de)construction of online porn
r/chickflixxx: Feminist (de)construction of online porn 09 August 2021 Mariana Fossatti for

How does porn take shape based on the audience's perspective and the practice of sharing and commenting on available online content? This article, based on a digital ethnographic analysis of a Reddit community, explores what feminist porn means on the internet.

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