David Souter

Inside the Digital Society: What impact has COVID had in practice?
Inside the Digital Society: What impact has COVID had in practice? 20 July 2022 David Souter

Two years ago, the assumption was that the pandemic and ensuing lockdowns would have lasting impacts on digitalisation – that they would accelerate the process by which offline turned to online, increase its pace and shift the way we do things towards digital alternatives. But has this happened as much as was expected?

Inside the Digital Society: The press, the internet and politics
Inside the Digital Society: The press, the internet and politics 02 March 2020 David Souter

Political information and communication ecosystems have been changing lately. In many countries, social media and other online sources have been displacing newspapers and broadcasting, especially among the young. David Souter shares some thoughts on the implications of this for press freedom and why it matters.

Inside the Digital Society: What will happen to the jobs?
Inside the Digital Society: What will happen to the jobs? 09 December 2019 David Souter

One of the most important underlying issues of the digital revolution that’s now underway is: what will happen to the jobs?

Inside the Digital Society: Where next for the IGF?
Inside the Digital Society: Where next for the IGF? 02 December 2019 David Souter

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) met last week, for the fourteenth time. I’m one of the few, I suspect, that has been to every one. Some background – because not everyone knows about the IGF. Some comments on its progress. And some challenges for Anriette Esterhuysen, who has just been appointed by the UN Secretary General to chair the IGF’s Multistakeholder Advisory Gro...

Inside the Digital Society: So who are you including?
Inside the Digital Society: So who are you including? 25 November 2019 David Souter

What will ‘people-centred’ mean when decisions that matter are mainly taken by computer algorithms? What is development, or ‘sustainable development’, as now preferred? This week, what is inclusion?

Inside the Digital Society: A phone is not a phone
Inside the Digital Society: A phone is not a phone 18 November 2019 David Souter

Words change their meaning over time – but the words we use have lasting impacts on the ways in which we see things. This week I’m asking what we mean when we talk about the “telephone”.

Inside the Digital Society: Reviewing a World Summit
Inside the Digital Society: Reviewing a World Summit 11 November 2019 David Souter

It’s fifteen years since the World Summit on the Information Society – and the United Nations is pledged to hold a review of what has happened since the Summit in 2025. But are the outcomes of the Summit still relevant today? How should the UN go about reviewing it?

Inside the Digital Society: How do we put the ethics in AI?
Inside the Digital Society: How do we put the ethics in AI? 04 November 2019 David Souter

Last week I wrote about ethical frameworks for artificial intelligence. This week I’ll draw on one initiative among these.

Inside the Digital Society: Why do we need ethics in AI?
Inside the Digital Society: Why do we need ethics in AI? 28 October 2019 David Souter

Artificial intelligence is not such a new idea as many think. The term itself was coined in the 1950s. There’s been talk of ethics round it, too, for more than half a century. But debates on this today are different, for several reasons.

Inside the Digital Society: What’s in the digital economy?
Inside the Digital Society: What’s in the digital economy? 28 October 2019 David Souter

Everyone agrees the digital economy’s important but not everyone’s agreed on what it is. Twenty years ago, it might have meant only the ICT sector itself. Ten years ago, that and some sectors that were taking most advantage of it. Today, all major sectors, and all firms of any size, in all countries are becoming digital to some significant degree. 

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