
This section is an active and comprehensive repository of the latest research reports, policy and issue papers, presentations, statements and positions, toolkits, guides, and other relevant publications produced by APC and its members and partners.


APC-wide activities
Global Information Society Watch 2009: Access to online information and knowledge – advancing human rights and democracy 13 November 2009 APC and Hivos

The Global Information Society Watch 2009 report unpacks the key issues impacting on access to online information and knowledge, including discussions on intellectual property rights, knowledge rights, open standards and access to educational materials and libraries.

Draft text (11/2009): Code of good practice on information, participation and transparency in Internet governance 02 November 2009

The Council of Europe, UNECE and APC have been reviewing the arrangements for information and participation in entities concerned with Internet governance since the Rio de Janeiro meeting of the Internet Governance Forum in 2007. These organisations hope that a code of good practice on informat...

Paper 2 (05/2009): Mapping the information and participation practice of internet governance entities
Paper 2 (05/2009): Mapping the information and participation practice of internet governance entities 27 October 2009 David Souter

This discussion paper has been prepared for the Council of Europe, the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) as part of their work to explore the scope for guidelines and best practice in information and participation in internet govern...

APC Progress Report 2004 - 2008
APC Progress Report 2004 - 2008 22 October 2009 APC

The APC Progress Report for 2004 to 2008 will give you some idea of those challenges and gives us an opportunity to recognise why APC is what it is and why we do what we do – making the world a better place by helping people gain the access, the skills, and the rights they need to work together...

Global Information Society Watch 2008: Focus on access to infrastructure
Global Information Society Watch 2008: Focus on access to infrastructure 22 October 2009 APC, Hivos and ITeM

How do we ensure access to the internet is a human right enjoyed by all? This is one of the critical questions asked by GISWatch 2008, which highlights the importance of people’s access to ICT infrastructure, where and how countries are getting it right or wrong, and what can be done about it.

The History of APC (A collection of feature articles)
The History of APC (A collection of feature articles) 22 October 2009 Various

A collection of feature articles produced for APC’s tenth anniversary of 2000. Background articles on APC’s history include: APC’s first decade: A chronological look at APC’s history Enabling civil society participation in global policy-making: The APC and the United Nations Interdo...

ICTs for democracy: Information and Communication Technologies for the Enhancement of Democracy - with a Focus on Empowerment
ICTs for democracy: Information and Communication Technologies for the Enhancement of Democracy - with a Focus on Empowerment 08 October 2009 APC

This study by APC and the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) explores the potential that information and communication technologies (ICTs) have for advancing democracy and empowerment, with a special focus on Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.

Media monitoring and evaluating 2008
Media monitoring and evaluating 2008 06 October 2009 LC

This report examines APC's presence in media and within our networks.

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