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"Secure, affordable access to the internet for all may no longer be
just a dream! In any event, that was my dream today!" expresses Coura
Fall, just after the opening ceremony of the second Internet Governance
Forum in Rio. She looked motivated by many of the speakers on November
12, even though she acknowledges that her dream translates into work,
work and more work. when it comes to her continent: Africa.

"Secure, affordable access to the internet for all may no longer be
just a dream! In any event, that was my dream today!" expresses Coura
Fall, just after the opening ceremony of the second Internet Governance
Forum in Rio. She looked motivated by many of the speakers on November
12, even though she acknowledges that her dream translates into work,
work and more work. when it comes to her continent: Africa.

Coura is certainly the right person to know, since she’s APC’s ICT policy coordinator for Africa. She is responsible for rolling out strategies and finding ways to get the private sector, civil society and governmental players around the table to promote open access to the internet in Africa. She travelled from South Africa to Rwanda and back to Senegal (where she is based) to attend key meetings on equitable and affordable access to the inetrnet, in the last few weeks. This was before Rio. In Rio, she’s been listening to other perspectives and success stories for making international bandwidth but also local and rural connectivity a reality. She has also been writing about the IGF and networking with partner organisations and people in the African caucus.
