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APC’s key result areas (KRAs) are identified by its members: organisations from a diversity of countries around the world, most of them in the global South. Through a multi-part consultative process within the network, analysis of current challenges in mobilising ICTs for social justice, and input from close partners, APC agreed on six KRAs to guide its work through 2019:

  1. Access

  2. Rights

  3. A feminist internet

  4. Governance

  5. Use and development

  6. APC community

Here we outline our key result areas, which are the heart of our current strategic action priorities.

Impact objective for 2016 to 2019

People affected by repression, discrimination, exclusion and inequality, in particular women, are able to access, use, shape and defend a free and open internet for their needs, priorities and the realisation of human rights.

1) Access

People who are digitally excluded on the basis of where they live, gender, class, disability or identity, have affordable and sustainable connectivity that allows them to share and communicate.

The indicators towards assessing achievement of the 2016 - 2019 results for this specific KRA are:

1. New community-driven autonomous broadband wireless networks projects implemented.

2. Uptake of policies and programmes that promote innovative and people-centred approaches to access in policy spaces that APC works in at global, regional and national level.

3. Strengthened networks and alliances among practitioners and advocates for people-centered approaches to access.

2) Rights

Human rights norms and standards integrate gender and development, and are respected and promoted in internet and ICT policy, governance, development and practice.

The indicators towards assessing achievement of the 2016 - 2019 results for this specific KRA are:

1. Development and adoption of policies and resolutions that reinforce the exercise of human rights online by regional and international policy institutions.

2. Increased understanding and support for rights-based universal access policies and programmes among civil society, human rights, women’s rights and development practitioners that APC works with.

3) A feminist internet

Women’s rights and sexual rights activists engage with internet and ICT policy and development as feminist issues.

The indicators towards assessing achievement of the 2016 - 2019 results for this specific KRA are:

1. Women’s rights organisations and policy spaces (such as CEDAW and CSW) take up internet rights and governance issues.

2. Formation of inter-movement alliances at key internet as well as women’s rights policy processes that raise awareness about the relevance of women’s rights issues to internet and ICT policy.

3. Uptake and adaptation of the Feminist Principles of the Internet (FPIs) by women’s organisations in various regions where APC is active.

4) Governance

Internet-related and ICT policy processes protect the publicness of the internet and are accessible, democratic, transparent, accountable and inclusive.

The indicators towards assessing achievement of the 2016 - 2019 results for this specific KRA are:

1. Increased capacity of civil society actors to contribute to and influence internet governance processes.

2. Increased capacity of policy actors from civil society, government, and the technical and academic communities (particularly from the global South) to contribute to and influence internet governance and policy.

3. Formal recognition in internet policy spaces that inclusion, transparency and respect for human rights need to be consolidated through agreed principles and in practice.

5) Use and development

Civil society actors, women’s rights and sexual rights advocates have the capacity to confidently use the internet and ICTs, and engage critically in their development.

The indicators towards assessing achievement of the 2016 - 2019 results for this specific KRA are:

1. APC members and partners and the users they support increase and/or improve their use of sustainable, collaborative and privacy-enabling technology.

2. Increased capacity of human rights and women’s human rights defenders and sexual rights activists to be safe online and use technology to end VAW.

6) APC community

The APC community of members, allies and partners are strengthened as a network and work collaboratively to use the internet and ICTs for social and environmental justice, gender equality and sustainable development.

The indicators towards assessing achievement of the 2016 - 2019 results for this specific KRA are:

1. APC membership that is growing, diverse, and engaged in APC’s activities.

2. Widespread utilisation among members of the APC small grant programme.

3. Active member involvement and collaboration in developing and implementing APC’s Theory of Change and strategic plan.

4. APC initiatives contribute to building and strengthening of cross-movement networks across the wider APC community and broader civil society engaged in internet policy, practice and development.


Read APC's Theory of Change for 2016 - 2019 here [in HTML] and here [in .png format].

Read APC’s strategic priorities for the previous period 2013 - 2016 here.