Freedom of expression

Civil society declines to support OECD communique on principles of internet policies
Civil society declines to support OECD communique on principles of internet policies 30 June 2011 APC

The Civil Society Information Society Advisory Council to the OECD, of which APC is part, has declined to support the official communique on principles for internet policy-making, saying that it could undermine “online freedom of expression, freedom of information, the right to privacy, access to knowledge, and innovation across the world.”

Join the letter writing campaign to free Malaysian activists
Join the letter writing campaign to free Malaysian activists 29 June 2011 grady

Please write protest letters to the government and the police to express your strongest condemnation of the arrests and the on-going denial of rights of expression.

APC sparks debate at UN over internet rights
APC sparks debate at UN over internet rights 27 June 2011 GJ

In the wake of APC’s side event on freedom of expression at the Human Rights Council’s 17th session, the UN has, for the first time, taken a major step towards defining the relationship between the internet and human rights.

"Gay Girl in Damascus" needs to Man Up, says APC
"Gay Girl in Damascus" needs to Man Up, says APC 27 June 2011 APC

Tom MacMaster’s masquerading as blogger activist “Gay Girl in Damascus” was harmful, say APC in a statement, and endangers the right to use the internet anonymously.

The Dutch have done it again
The Dutch have done it again 24 June 2011 grady

From the people who brought you legal marijuana, freaky sex clubs and pickled herring comes the craziest thing yet. Of course, I’m talking about the net neutrality law that just passed through Dutch parliament.

Joint Statement on Freedom of Expression
Joint Statement on Freedom of Expression 21 June 2011 grady

Validation! Our hard work has paid off.

APC influences governments submission to the Human Rights Council
APC influences governments submission to the Human Rights Council 17 June 2011 JL

On June 10 a group of 40 countries submitted a joint statement to the Human Rights Council commending the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression’s report following the initiative of the Swedish government.

US leads the charge in building 'shadow internet'
US leads the charge in building 'shadow internet' 15 June 2011 grady

The US State Department has been practically throwing money at activists and entrepreneurs in an effort to build independent internet networks for citizens of repressive regimes. This comes as part of a wider US effort to help internet users, particularly human rights activists, evade government censorship and surveillance.

Gay Girl in Damascus is really a man
Gay Girl in Damascus is really a man 13 June 2011 grady

So it turns out Gay Girl in Damascus, the “woman” who stole our hearts with tales of her repression in Syria, is really a man.

Join the UNESCO proposal for World Radio Day
Join the UNESCO proposal for World Radio Day 10 June 2011 AHM Bazlur Rahman- S21BR

Spanish Radio Academy to propose to the UNESCO the founding of a “World Radio Day” within the International Days UN calendar At the request of Spain, UNESCO Executive Board will consider a proposal to declare a World Radio Day at its 187th session on 21 September – 7 October this year.

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