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"Progress towards the EFA goals is steady, but too slow in terms of the target dates, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, South and West Asia, and the Arab States" the report emphasizes…
“A ‘literate’ society is more than a society with high literacy rates” says this report.

The Education for All – Global Monitoring Report 2006 has been launched by UNESCO and aims to shine a stronger policy spotlight on the more neglected goal of literacy – a foundation not only for achieving education for all but, more broadly, for reaching the overarching goal of reducing human poverty.

“Progress towards the EFA goals is steady, but too slow in terms of the target dates, especially in sub-Saharan Africa, South and West Asia, and the Arab States", the report emphasizes.

“EFA Global Monitoring Report” focuses on literacy, one of the most neglected of the six goals adopted in 2000 by 164 countries at the World Education Forum in Dakar (Senegal). The Report stresses the urgency of devoting increased policy attention and resources to literacy, emphasizing the profound benefits it confers on individuals, communities and nations. Literacy skills are essential in today’s knowledge societies. Understandings of literacy have evolved over the past fifty years to reflect these increasingly complex and demanding needs. Drawing on a range of data sources, the Report analyses the scale of the literacy challenge.

A historical overview of analysis as how different societies have made the transition to widespread literacy, taking stock of the broader social context that motivates individuals to acquire and sustain their literacy skills. Building literate societies calls for a threefold strategy of quality schooling, youth and adult programmes and the promotion of literate environments. This approach reflects the interconnected nature of the EFA goals, towards which the Report examines progress, notably the 2005 gender parity goal. The international community must support these efforts: although aid to basic education is on the rise, it remains far short of the needs. The Report highlights priority measures for the EFA goals to be achieved in the next ten years.

Literacy rate in Pakistan is very bleak. Particularly girls are at very unfortunate end of this grim situation. Pakistan is unlikely to achieve Education for All (EFA) targets due to financial constraints, absence of co-operation by provincial governments and resistance at the grassroots level. Government was to establish 240,000 literacy centers throughout the country but… Use of ICTs for education is yet to materialize for folks living in remote rural areas. Content in local languages is a huge challenge.

EFA report is accessible here:…
