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APC launched our new-look Africa ICT Policy Monitor website in French on the final day of the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunisia.

APC wants an information society based on social justice and human rights, and that’s only going to happen if the people affected by the policies get involved in their development.

Collecting indispensable documentation on information and communications technologies (ICTs) since 2001 in English and since May 2004 in French, the new look French ‘Africa Monitor’ has an improved design and structure will make it even easier for African civil society to find the materials they need to get involved in ICT policy lobbying.

Powerful cross-referencing let’s you search for news, policy documents, active organisations and specialist resources by theme and by country at the same time. And for the first time, there’s a ‘Getting started’ section for people new to ICT policy and advocacy which collects information specially selected by our editors.

"The most important feature of the new ‘Africa Monitor’ is the information section which houses policy documents, analysis, and country reports from civil society perspectives," says site editor, Emmanuel Njenga Njuguna. "People preparing to make interventions for engagement in ICT policy processes at national, regional or international levels will find it particularly useful."

The ‘Africa Monitor’ was remodelled on the basis of feedback from civil society organisations and others who regularly use the website for campaigning, research and more.

The monitor also sends out fortnightly e-updates on the most salient ICT policy news, documentation, resources, events and key organisations working on policy issues. To subscribe to receive our regular updates, please send an mail to .

Author: —- (APC)
Source: APC
Date: 11/18/2005
Location: TUNIS, Tunisia
Category: Press Releases
