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The second African IGF is taking place in Nairobi, Kenya, from 24-26 September 2013. APC is a sponsoring organisation and is holding a pre-event on multi-stakeholder processes.

More information: http://www.uneca.org/afigf/pages/meetings
Draft agenda: http://www.uneca.org/sites/default/files/uploads/draft_agenda_of_afigf_2...
Follow the event on twitter: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23apcigf13&src=hash

New! Recommendations from the Pre-event at the African IGF 2013 on establishing sustainable and effective multi-stakeholder participation in ICT policy processes in Africa

APC pre-event: Building a roadmap for sustainable multi-stakeholder processes in Africa

Multi-stakeholder processes are constantly being referred to in the context of internet governance. However at present few African governments or institutions are consistently including civil society, business entities, democracy groups and human rights defenders in ICT and internet policy-making. Moreover, the multi-stakeholder concept is often discussed superficially and approached as an end in itself, rather than a means towards more inclusive, robust governance and regulation that can effectively enable the use of the internet in Africa for human, social, economic, cultural and political development.

This pre-event focuses on multi-stakeholder governance models and participatory policy development processes at national and regional levels. It will draw on good practices, failures and lessons from Africa and Latin America and from other multi-stakeholder fora and processes. The pre-event will compile lessons learned and best practices to produce a set of guidelines for establishing sustainable multi-stakeholder processes in Africa. These guidelines will then form a body of work that the organisations involved in the pre-event will shape into 1) roadmaps to assist stakeholders build such processes, and 2) the potential development of a protocol which can be presented to the African Union Commission for the consideration of member states, and to regional governmental bodies.


Areas of work