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This is a schedule with the events hosted and co-organised before and during the 2017 Internet Governance Forum in Geneva by APC. Come join us!

PRE-EVENTS – 16 December 2017

Civil society coordination meeting

8:30-17:00 DiploFoundation, Avenue de la Paix 7BIS 1202

APC co-organising with Best Bits, Non-Commercial User Constituency, Internet Governance Caucus, and Just Net Coalition.

IGF Academy

09-00-18:00 | Hotel Warwick Geneva, Room Regi & Cervin, Rue de Lausanne 14

APC co-organising with LIRNEasia and iRights e.V.

PRE-EVENTS – 17 December 2017

Cybersecurity and Human Rights

9:00-14:00 Centre International de Conférences Genève (CICG) in Salle 4

APC co-organising with the Centre for Communications Governance at National Law University Delhi (CCG), Centre for Internet and Society (CIS), Derechos Digitales, Citizen Lab, Global Partners Digital (GPD), Internet Society (ISOC), UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), and Privacy International.

Disco-tech on criminalisation of technical expertise

20:00-22:00 Mr Pickwick Pub, Rue de Lausanne 80

APC co-organising with ARTICLE 19, IFEX, Access Now, Greenhost and Aspiration

DAY 1 – 18 December 2017

WS180: Body as Data: Dataveillance, the Informatisation of the Body and Citizenship

9:00-10:30 Public Room XXV - E

APC co-organising with Point of View

WS57: A Playbook for Gender Equality: How to Harness the Power of Emerging Tech for Women's Rights

11:50-13:20 Room XXVI - E

APC co-organising with Global Affairs Canada

DAY 2 – 19 December 2017

WS215: Selective Persecution and the Mob: Hate and religion online

11:50-13:20 | Room XII - A

APC co-organising with CCG

DAY 3 – 20 December 2017

What's going at the ITU, how it affects internet governance, and why you should care

9:00-10:00 Room XXVII - E

APC co-organising with Public Knowledge

WS53: Multistakeholder consultation on defining Internet Universality indicators

11:50-13:20 Room XI - A

APC co-organising with UNESCO and ISOC

GISWatch 2017 Launch

13:30-15:00 Room XXV - E

APC organising