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The government representatives of Latin America and the Caribbean approve of the temporary regional Mechanism for the implementation of the regional plan of action for the information society, eLAC2007.

During an intense reunion the countries from the region agreed to have a temporary regional mechanism to establish the foundations for the creation of a permanent mechanism to coordinate and follow up the implementation of eLAC2007. The temporary mandate would, on one hand, identify the priorities of the countries in relation to the working groups established in the regional plan of action, and, on the other hand, establish the operational and political frameworks towards the creation of the permanent mechanism no later than mid 2006.

A group of four countries – Ecuador, Saint Lucia, El Salvador and Brazil, spearheaded by the first- will be the focal point of the temporary regional mechanism and will be in charge of facilitating the process.

Juan Carlos Solines, head of the delegation from Ecuador affirmed that “the fact that the countries of the region have adopted the temporary regional mechanism within the framework of the WSIS, is very significant.”

According to Solines, eLAC2007 poses a great challenge to the focal group in light of the fact that the regional plan has ambitious and measurable objectives. He maintains that the coordination and facilitation of the group will be essential to ensure adequate alignments and work methodologies that guarantee the participation of all the interested parties. This will be furthered by the support of the group of governments from Latin America and the Caribbean group of countries (GRULAC) from Geneva directed toward the success of the implementation.

During the GRULAC meeting, civil society organisations from the region that were participating in the WSIS, stated through Olinca Marino (LaNeta, APC) the importance of ensuring that civil society be considered a key actor in the implementation process, particularly regarding the creation of the regional working groups, established in eLAC2007.

The proposal for a temporary regional mechanism arose in El Salvador and Ecuador approximately two months ago. Since then negotiations and discussions with the different official delegations have advanced. Today, November 17, during the WSIS, the governments established concrete coordinated action comments for the post Tunisia phase.

[Translated from Spanish by APC]

Author: —- (APC LAC ICT Policy Monitor)
Source: APC LAC ICT Policy Monitor
Date: 11/17/2005
Location: Tunis, Tunisia
Category: Internet Rights – Latin America & the Caribbean