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RedISTIC (Networking on the Social Impact of ICTs) is a coalition made up of groups that work on information society-related issues (communication, knowledge, wisdom, etc.) in Latin American and the Caribbean. The first achievement of RedISTIC is the publication of the book “The Other Side of the Divide: Latin American and the Caribbean Perspectives on the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS)”. The articles included in this publication are a sample of significant issues that have been developed in the region and are representative of the values that diverse actors working in the field of the information society share within the region.

RedISTIC believes that the best experts on the South and its realities come from the South. Support and good will solidarity are welcome but we believe it is important to understand that we see ourselves as the key protagonists in the construction of the better future we wish. Members include Funredes, ITDG, APC, Alfa-Redi, RITS, Infopolis, Grupo Redes, Acceso, Universidad Bolivariana de Chile.

You can read the book online: (Spanish) (English) (French) (Portuguese)

Author: —- (APCNews)
Source: APCNews
Date: 02/05/2004
Location: MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay
Category: Internet Rights – Latin America & the Caribbean