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South Asian APC member Bytes for All will be hosting a Membership Exchange from 7 – 11 June, 2010 in Islamabad Pakistan. Representatives of organisations from APC’s varied network will meet in the Pakistani city to attend a workshop on digital story telling, “Take back the tech to end violence against women: A workshop on digital storytelling for online advocacy”.

The five-day event will be the largest membership exchange in the history of the APC’s Member Exchange Fund and will also be combined with the Feminist Tech Exchange (FTX), which will also be organised by Bytes for All, Pakistan under the auspices of “MDG3: Take Back the Tech! to end violence against women”, a flagship project by the APC-Women’s Network Support Programme (APC-WNSP). The key aim of this Membership Exchange and resultant FTX is to develop master trainers in Pakistan and Asia, and to carry out further FTXs in the region with minimal external support. Between twelve and fifteen women activists from a range of stakeholders in Pakistan will attend the workshop and help build this pool of master trainers, who will then go on to deliver FTX trainings in the country and area.

This meeting is part of the MDG3: Strengthening women’s strategic use of ICTs to combat violence against women and girls project run by the APC women’s programme (APC WNSP).

Areas of work