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On January 1 2007, the Arab Commons initiative was officially launched as an ambitious project to promote and support the creation and development of Arabic content released under Creative Commons licenses.
On January 1 2007, the Arab Commons initiative ( was
officially launched as an ambitious project to promote and support the

creation and development of Arabic content released under Creative
Commons licenses.

The initiative aims to educate Arab artists, intellectuals and
creative workers about the advantages of releasing their works under
the Creative Commons licenses, the flexibility of these licenses to
cater for the different requirements of the rights holders and the
potential that can be unleashed by building a rich and vibrant Digital
Commons for Arabic speakers.

Arabic is the native language of more than 200 million people, and is
spoken by a much larger number. Even though, the Arabic Digital
Commons still lacks behind other languages both quantitatively and
qualitatively. Arab Commons main objective is to help addressing this
gap by encouraging the development of Arabic Digital Commons.

Arab Commons is a platform to facilitate the selection of appropriate
Creative Commons licenses by Arab artists, intellectuals and authors,
aggregate Arabic language creative works released under these licenses
and to actively promote and campaign for these works.

As of its launch, Arab Commons contains 5 scientific books, 4 poetry
books, 13 paintings and graphic designs, 27 photos and 10 articles.

For further information, please visit the Arab Commons website: or contact us at:
