Feminist internet

Presenting evaluation results with creativity
Presenting evaluation results with creativity 11 October 2007 APC

Training people to use GEM (Gender Evaluation Methodology) is always a challenge. There are lots of expectations about the results of this training. For the trainer, the usual finding is that evaluators very seldom take a gender perspective into account when planning a project or considering its results, unless they work in a gender unit or in a project that is already committed to women´s issues or related to equity goals. So after lots of discussions in plenary sessions, learning about gen...

Breaking with tradition, African women dare to denounce violence through digital storytelling
Breaking with tradition, African women dare to denounce violence through digital storytelling 09 October 2007 Sylvie Niombo

Violence against women was the theme of a recent digital storytelling workshop organised by APC’s programme in Africa and APC’s South African member Women’sNet, held in Durban, South Africa from 25 to 29 August 2007. Seventeen women from throughout Africa gathered for one week to develop the skills to use technology for the creation of digital stories as a means of combating domestic, sexual and other forms of violence faced by African women.

Women in the African newsroom
Women in the African newsroom 11 September 2007 APC

Kristin Palitza of Agenda Magazine was the chair of a discussion panel on gender and the media today, September 11 2007, in Grahamstown, South Africa. Unlike most of the other panels at Highway Africa, this one lined up three women and no man. Certainly a colourful and rather critical one in an event where only 15 out of 55 speakers are women.

ICTs, Training  help children to access information world
ICTs, Training help children to access information world 26 August 2007 APC

ICTs, Training help children to access information world "Information at your finger tips" ICTs, under the motto "Information at your finger tips", is a promising programme that would work as bridge for children in (SCT) Salamieh Community Telecentre, to communicate with other children in the world. It helps enriching them with necessary knowledge station and sense of creativity . It is by...

Mental gym at the GEM exchange
Mental gym at the GEM exchange 21 August 2007 ES for APC WNSP

GEM speaks to people, said Sarah Earl, an evaluation specialist attending a workshop to improve what’s been coined as the Gender Evaluation Methodology. More than an evaluation theory, GEM "is a development theory," commented Earl who, along with over 40 ICT practitioners from around the world, took part in a training exchange in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the end of July 2007. Read the full ...

Warning! This is a participatory workshop
Warning! This is a participatory workshop 21 August 2007 APC

Erika Smith, from APC’s women’s programme, blogged live from the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) global trainers exchange, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 23-27 July 2007.

Engendering localization: from apps to end users
Engendering localization: from apps to end users 21 August 2007 APC

Erika Smith, from APC’s women’s programme, blogged live from the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) global trainers exchange, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 23-27 July 2007.

Evaluation: Do you recommend it? Model it? Breathe it?
Evaluation: Do you recommend it? Model it? Breathe it? 21 August 2007 APC

Erika Smith, from APC’s women’s programme, blogged live from the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) global trainers exchange, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 23-27 July 2007.

Oh come on, we all know technology is gender neutral
Oh come on, we all know technology is gender neutral 21 August 2007 APC

Erika Smith, from APC’s women’s programme, blogged live from the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) global trainers exchange, held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 23-27 July 2007.

GLOBAL GEM WORKSHOP: ICT and development: The eyes we see the world through
GLOBAL GEM WORKSHOP: ICT and development: The eyes we see the world through 16 August 2007 AL for APCNews

Through evaluations we can measure to what extent our work is contributing our bit, our grain of sand, in the struggle for a better world. The APC women’s programme took this premise to heart when it developed the Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM). At the end of July women and men from around the world gathered in Kuala Lumpur to share their experiences with the use of GEM in particular and...

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