Israel - Palestine

Genocide in the digital age: What role do social media companies play?
Genocide in the digital age: What role do social media companies play? 20 March 2024 Marwa Fatafta

In January the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ordered provisional measures in the case brought by South Africa against Israel, determining the plausibility of genocide committed by Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza. The case raises serious questions about tech companies' role, responsibilities or complicity when their services are used directly or indirectly for spreading incitement to violence and genocide.

Racism and Incitement Index 2020: The Increase in racism and incitement against Palestinians and Arabs during the pandemic
Racism and Incitement Index 2020: The Increase in racism and incitement against Palestinians and Arabs during the pandemic 17 March 2021 7amleh - The Arab Center for the Advancement of Social Media

The results of 7amleh's Index of Racism and Incitement in Israeli Social Networks during the year 2020 showed an increase in violent discourse towards Arabs by 16% over the year 2019, with 1 out of every 10 posts about Palestinians and Arabs in 2020 containing violent speech.

7amleh, APC member in Palestine and Israel: The new Israeli Cyber Law paves the way for unlawful hacking and digital rights violations
7amleh, APC member in Palestine and Israel: The new Israeli Cyber Law paves the way for unlawful hacking and digital rights violations 12 July 2018 7amleh- Arab Center for Social Media Advancement

7amleh – The Arab Centre for Social Media Advancement warns of the risks and dangers that emanate from the newly proposed Cyber Security and National Cyber Directorate Bill in Israel. 

7amleh-The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement
7amleh-The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement 03 July 2017

7amleh-The Arab Center for Social Media Advancement is a non-profit organisation aimed at enabling Palestinian and Arab civil society to effectively utilise the tools of digital advocacy through professional capacity building, defending digital rights and building influential digital media campaigns.

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