Ritu Srivastava (Digital Empowerment Foundation)

Media anchoring positive protests against sexual assault in India
Media anchoring positive protests against sexual assault in India 03 January 2013 Ritu Srivastava (Digital Empowerment Foundation)

Protests in New Delhi, December 22nd and 23rd, 2012Slogans like ‘Don’t stop your daughter from going out.

Where is South Asian participation @IGF2012?
Where is South Asian participation @IGF2012? 12 November 2012 Ritu Srivastava (Digital Empowerment Foundation)

Think-tanks, technologist, policy advocators, government stakeholders, civil society groups, human rights evangelist and individuals across all sectors of internet arena joined, collaborated and participated together to discuss, debate and express their views collaboratively at the international forum, 7th Internet Governance Forum (IGF) held last week at Baku, Azerbaijan from 6-9 November, 2012.

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