Human rights

Technology and elections in Uganda: New policy brief highlights digital rights
Technology and elections in Uganda: New policy brief highlights digital rights 13 January 2021 CIPESA

As Uganda heads to presidential and parliamentary elections in January 2021, digital communications have taken centre-stage and are playing a crucial role in how candidates and parties engage with citizens.

TEDIC Paraguay: Mass surveillance in the context of state emergency
TEDIC Paraguay: Mass surveillance in the context of state emergency 07 January 2021 Paloma Lara Castro para TEDIC

Unprecedented levels of surveillance, data exploitation, and misinformation are being tested across the world. It is important to examine how these technological solutions will impact democracy at the global level, both during this emergency period and moving forward.

Intervozes: Brazil Justice condemns Google for prior censorship for removing content
Intervozes: Brazil Justice condemns Google for prior censorship for removing content 06 January 2021 Intervozes

Videos from Brazilian NGO Intervozes have been removed from YouTube for alleged copyright infringement. State Judicial branch recognized the illegality of the Content ID mechanism.

Putting cybersecurity on the rights track
Putting cybersecurity on the rights track 15 December 2020 Association for Progressive Communications (APC)

This report is a compilation of the outcomes of the research component of a small project entitled “Putting cybersecurity on the rights track” that the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) implemented during the course of 2019 with the participation of APC members.

2020 APC Member Convening: Closer than ever
2020 APC Member Convening: Closer than ever 14 December 2020

We are taking our learnings from the 2020 Member Convening and allowing them to shape our long-term visions, as we celebrate the work of the past 30 years and amplify our commitment to our collective advocacy, solidarity, resistance and transformation.

Cyrilla report calls on courts of South Asia to adopt a rights-based approach in rulings over digital rights cases
Cyrilla report calls on courts of South Asia to adopt a rights-based approach in rulings over digital rights cases 11 December 2020 APCNews

What is the trajectory of judicial discourse on digital rights in South Asia? A new report, Jurisprudence Shaping Digital Rights in South Asia, attempts to shed light on this question and more.

Jurisprudence shaping digital rights in South Asia
Jurisprudence shaping digital rights in South Asia 11 December 2020 Divya Srinivasan and Gayatri Khandhadai

Jurisprudence developed by courts are central to the understanding, application and implementation of laws. Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have irreversibly impacted every walk of personal and public life, including how courts function and deliberate on rights.  

COVID-19 and the Right to Privacy: An analysis of South Korean experiences
COVID-19 and the Right to Privacy: An analysis of South Korean experiences 09 December 2020 Byoung-il Oh, Yeokyung Chang and SeonHwa Jeong

This new report jointly published by the Korean Progressive Network Jinbonet and the Institute for Digital Rights summarises digital rights violations during the response to COVID-19 in South Korea.

EngageMedia's Pretty Good Podcast: How digital rights challenges reflect democratic ones in Myanmar
EngageMedia's Pretty Good Podcast: How digital rights challenges reflect democratic ones in Myanmar 04 December 2020 EngageMedia

Following the recently concluded elections in Myanmar, EngageMedia sits down with Maung Zarni, Burmese scholar and co-founder of Forces of Renewal Southeast Asia (FORSEA), to discuss how the poll results tie into the bigger digital rights challenges that the country is facing today.

APC 30th anniversary: Our members share their vision for APC in the next 10 years
APC 30th anniversary: Our members share their vision for APC in the next 10 years 03 December 2020

In 2020, the Association for Progressive Communications turns 30 years old, and to commemorate this special date we have asked the members of our network about their vision for APC in the next 10 years to come.

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