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Unwanted Witness was established in 2012 by a group of netizens, bloggers, activists, writers and human rights defenders as an independent, non-partisan and not-for-profit civil society organisation. It seeks to create secure uncensored online platforms to promote human rights through writing, informing and educating citizens who also utilise the platforms for strengthening free expression and demanding accountability.

The mission of Unwanted Witness is to put the power of change in the hands of citizens through the internet and online media to guarantee internet freedoms and improve the human rights situation in Uganda. Its key objectives are:

  • To build capacities of journalists, writers and activists through training, research and institutional skills acquisition in human rights .

  • To contribute to the entrenchment of an effective and efficient operational environment for the enjoyment of human rights through highlighting the challenges facing human rights . 

  • To establish and promote initiatives necessary for effective advocacy in human rights through utilising various media platforms .  

  • To encourage close collaboration and networking among human rights activists through opportunity creation, sharing forums and information exchange on human rights.
