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As part of it’s work on ICTs and environmental sustainability, APC is publishing a practical guide on sustainable IT, which offers hands-on computing tips; like where and how to select technology, software and peripherals, storing information, disposal and end of life.

The guide, which was developed by environmentalist and IT expert Paul Mobbs aims to encourage everyday consumers of technology – from home-users, to people working in a small office environment, from journalists to activists to government clerks – to begin using technology in an environmentally sound way.

These checklists have been extracted from the guide, in an effort to provide quick and easy references for those who wish to apply the guide’s recommendations. We hope you will find them useful.

SustainableIT tips 1: Buying hardware

Provides advice on what hardware to buy for your needs

SustainableIT tips 2: Operating systems

Tells you what you need to know in order to find the right operating system for your needs

SustainableIT tips 3: Desktop systems

Provides a breakdown of how to configure your desktop to save energy

SustainableIT tips 4: Storing information

How to store information in a more energy-efficient way

SustainableIT tips 5: When to print

Printing – it’s not always a bad thing! This sheet helps you calculate when you should print or when you should keep it online.

To find out more about the work APC is doing on ICTs and the environment, visit greeningIT.apc.org

This work has been made possible by funding from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).