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The United Nations Secretary-General’s High Level Panel on Global Sustainability has launched a report, “Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A Future Worth Choosing”, which contains 56 recommendations to implement and mainstream sustainable development into economic policy.

Among its recommendations the report states:

“Governments, international financial institutions and major companies should be encouraged to engage in international cooperation on innovation- and technology-oriented sustainable development on an enlarged scale, enhancing the technological capability of developing countries and taking full advantage of the potential roles played by climate-friendly technologies in dealing with global climate change and in developing a green economy.”

The report highlights the value of mobile phones in distributing early warnings during extreme weather events, and the opportunity for ICTs to be used to disseminate information on sustainable practices. Open data platforms are credited for improving public and private sector transparency, leading to increased knowledge-sharing and better decision-making.

The full report can be found at: http://www.un.org/gsp/report