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Grants for research and campaign support – CALL open to all members

This is a rolling call and will be open till 30 September 2019This call is open to all APC members, with 5 grants available for those members who are located in countries outside the OECD Development Assistance Committee’s list.

These grants are for projects that contribute to research and campaign activities that are aligned with any of the strategies identified in APC’s Theory of Change. The grants will continue to support local campaigns that contribute to members’ advocacy work and also enable members to participate in APC-wide campaigns.

This year, we would also like to invite members to consider submitting proposals that are designed around research or advocacy on some themes that correspond with the work currently being undertaken by APC through its projects and programmatic work.

Suggested themes:

  1. Environmental sustainability (For e.g. impact of technology on the environment, land appropriation by corporates)

  2. Digital economy (for e.g. feminist digital economy, emerging technologies, labour rights, consumer rights)

  3. Freedom of religion or belief and hate speech

  4. Inclusive societies and political participation

  5. Private sector accountability

  6. Online gender-based violence

  7. Feminist Principles of the Internet (how they can be adapted, localised and made more relevant to your work)

Please note that members are free to submit proposals on any subject that is relevant to their work and aligned to APC’s Theory of Change, but we encourage you to consider the themes mentioned above towards facilitating meaningful collaboration in implementing our strategic priorities.


Important information to keep in mind
  • Members can submit proposals for up to $5,000 per grant.

  • Please note that all activities for the research and campaign grants must be completed and all funds spent by 31 December 2019. No extensions will be possible.

  • Only APC organisational members in good standing can avail of APC grants (this means members must not owe APC any of the following: dues or other outstanding funds, contractual work paid for but not yet delivered, financial or narrative reports from activities previously supported by APC)

  • Please send the complete application in English.


  • The evaluation and selection of successful proposals will be carried out within a month of the submission.

  • Applicants will be informed about the evaluation of their proposals through email.

  • Successful proposals will be published on


We look forward to receiving your proposals! If you have any question please contact

In order to assist with the planning of your proposal, we have prepared a template for your use. Please also find here the template for the proposal’s budget. 

Submit your application using the online form here.  

You will need a username and password to access the form - please write to if you can’t access it.


See what initiatives are being supported in 2018

See what initiatives were supported in 2017

See what initiatives were supported in 2016.

Grants to support the local implementation of APC’s strategic plan - 2019 call closed


See what projects were supported in 2016.

See what projects were supported in 2017

See what projects are being supported in 2018