Núcleo de Pesquisas, Estudos e Formação (Nupef)

Nupef (Center of Research, Studies and Learning) is a private, autonomous, non-profit organisation founded in 2009, whose mission is to generate the conditions for the exercise of digital citizenship, working in the defence of democracy, access to knowledge, freedom of expression, privacy and cultural diversity, among other fundamental rights.

Presently, Nupef’s works is organised around four main programmes:

  • Advocating, raising awareness and building capacity on ICT and internet policies

  • New forms of expression for excluded groups, with a focus on digital storytelling

  • The Tiwa project – internet services for non-profit organisations

  • Rets – a civil society online magazine.

Nupef has implemented community networks in partnership with social movements mentioned in the project. Nupef maintains Tiwa project, an Internet Services Provider, hosting information services in a secure environment. Nupef developed “Quer que eu te conte?” project, promoting storytelling as a way of sharing memories and knowledge in multiple formats and technologies.

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